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Discuss general religious issues that affect all of us in our daily lives.
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By smak786110
Question : Should a woman wear socks and cover her feet while praying?

§ Answer : It is not necessary for a woman to cover her feet while offering her prayer. But she must cover them in front of a na-Mahram.

§ Question : What is the verdict about wearing black clothes in prayer? Is the tradition that says 'wearing black clothes during prayer is undesirable' authentic?

§ Answer : Yes, the tradition which says so is correct but wearing black clothes when mourning the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) and the other Infallibles is free of objection.

§ Question : We Muslims in Europe buy shoes, belts and other clothing items made of leather which may come from animals killed in non-Islamic way. At times such items are imported from Muslim countries or obtained from Muslim abattoirs here (since there are a few Muslim abattoirs in the U.K. for example).
Can we consider such leather to be pure (tãhir) in the probability that it might have been imported from Muslim countries or obtained from abattoirs adopting Islamic way of slaughtering, even if such a probability is very weak?

§ Answer : If the probability is so weak that the opposite is more likely (for example, 2%), it should not even be considered. Otherwise [if the probability is high], there is no problem in considering it to be pure (tãhir). Allãh knows the best.

§ Question : I have a cat, and I heard that I couldn’t pray in clothing that have cat's hair. Is this true?

§ Answer :
A - It does not make the prayer void.

§ Question : Praying in a condition that you have a leather wallet (bought from un Islamic country & unaware of the nature of leather) in your pocket is acceptable or not?

§ Answer : That is permissible and there is no objection in it.

Question : Are girls and women allowed to wear black coard and scarf all year round, even when it's not Muharram?

§ Answer : There is no objection in it.

§ Question : We Muslims in Europe buy shoes, belts and other clothing items made of leather which may come from animals killed in non-Islamic way. At times such items are imported from Muslim countries or obtained from Muslim abattoirs here (since there are a few Muslim abattoirs in the U.K. for example).
Can we consider such leather to be pure (tãhir) in the probability that it might have been imported from Muslim countries or obtained from abattoirs adopting Islamic way of slaughtering, even if such a probability is very weak?

§ Answer : If the probability is so weak that the opposite is more likely (for example, 2%), it should not even be considered. Otherwise [if the probability is high], there is no problem in considering it to be pure (tãhir). Allãh knows the best.

§ Question : Clothing products in the West are made in many countries (China, India, etc…) and many leather products do not specify what kind of leather it is. In this case, what is the ruling on wearing such products?

§ Answer : Leather products are impure (najis) and salãt in them is not permissible, if we know that they have been made from the hide of an animal not slaughtered according to Islamic laws. Such products are considered pure and salat in them is permissible, if there is a probability that they were made from skin of an animal that is essentially halãl and was slaughtered according to Islamic laws.

§ Question : Wearing a trouser and t-shirt to what stage is allowed and what if I do proper hijab over it when I go outside.

§ Answer : It is not allowed for a woman to go out of her house wearing the cloths that shows her body before strangers.

§ Question : Is there any restriction to wear pant having a long bottom, so that it come under our feet?

§ Answer : Feet should be covered and trousers should not instigate strangers.

Question : If I pray with a leather belt or a wallet made from leather of a mayta and realize it during the salat or after finishing it but before the end of its time span or after the ending of its time span-what would become of that prayer?

§ Answer : The prayer with a wallet made from leather of a mayta is valid just as it is acceptable to pray with a belt made from such a leather, provided that the probability of it being from zabiha is not a very low probability that would be ignored by sensible people.
In the second case [of very low probability], if he was ignorant [of this rule] and realized during salat, he should take it off immediately and his salat would be valid. The same rule would apply if he forgot [that he had the wallet or the belt on him] and remembered during salat, provided that his forgetfulness was not a result of carelessness and indifference. In other cases, he will have to repeat salat in time or qadha as a matter of obligatory precaution.

§ Question : One of the famous trousers these days is the one known as jeans. It is made in non-Muslim countries. It has a piece of leather used as a label. It is not known whether the leather is that of an animal slaughtered Islamically or non-Islamically-is it permissible to say salat with these trousers?

§ Answer : Yes, it is permissible.

§ Question : What is your ruling on buying and using leather products in non-Muslim countries?

§ Answer : Leather products are impure (najis) and salãt in them is not permissible, if we know that they have been made from the hide of an animal not slaughtered according to Islamic laws. Such products are considered pure and salat in them is permissible, if there is a probability that they were made from skin of an animal that is essentially halãl and was slaughtered according to Islamic laws.

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