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Tabarani and others have recorded the following tradition as related by Zayd ibn 'Arqam and transmitted through sources unanimously acknowledged to be reliable. Zayd says that the Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him and his posterity, delivered a sermon at Ghadir-e-Khumm under a cloth spread as a canopy on two large trees. He said:

"O my people! I am going to be recalled shortly and I must comply. I shall be interrogated and you also shall be interrogated. What will you say then?" The entire audience answered: "We shall bear witness that you did convey to us the message of Allah, and tried your best to guide us on the right path and always gave us good console. May Allah bless you with a good reward." The Prophet proceeded: "Why do you not bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, and that Paradise is true, Hell is true, Death is true, Resurrection after death is true, that the Day of Judgment will doubtlessly come and that Allah will raise to life the dead from their graves?." They said: "O Yes! We bear witness to all this." Then he said: "O Allah! You also may witness." Then he said: 'O my people! Allah is my Mawla and I am mawla of the faithful and I have superior right on and control over their lives. And this Ali is the mawla of all those of whom I am mawla. O Allah! Love him who loves him and hate him who hates him." He further said: "O my people! I will precede you and you also shall arrive at the pool of Kawthar, the pool wider than the distance between Basrah and San'a', and there are on the pool as many goblets of silver as stars. When you shall reach me I shall interrogate you about your behavior towards the two in-valuable assets after my death. The major asset is the Book of Allah, the Mighty and Glorious, one end of which is in the hand of Allah, the Exalted, and the other end of which in your hands. Grasp it tightly and do not go astray and do not change or amend it. The other asset is my Progeny, who are my Ahl al-Bayt. Allah the Gracious and Omniscient has informed me that the two will not part from each other before they reach me at the pool".

The most earliest source of the event of Ghadir'i Khum is Asma bint Umays (d. 38/658), the wife of Jafar Taiyar bin Abu Talib. Her report has been documented in "at-Tarikh" (Beirut, 1960) by the historian Yaqubi (d. 284/898). Hassan bin Thabit (d. 40/661), a famous poet had vividly versified the event in his Diwan of 228 poems. Suleman bin Qays al-Hilali (d. 82/701) also is ranked among the earliest authorities. Kumyl bin Zaid (60-126/680-744) however has been considered as the most earliest authority by the German scholars, Horovitz and Goldzier. Among the prominent Companions, who had related the event of Ghadir'i Khum are Abuzar Ghafari (d. 32/653), Huzaifah al-Yameni (d. 29/650), Abu Ayub Ansari (d. 50/670), Ammar bin Yasir (d. 37/657), Salman al-Faras (d. 36/657), Abdullah bin Abbas (d. 86/705) etc. etc. Among the earliest Umayyad historians, the most famous were Ibn Shihab az-Zuhari (50-125/670-744) and Ibn Ishaq (d. 152/769).

The historians and compilers of the Hadiths between 10/632 and 300/912 were mostly under pressure of the ruling powers of Umayyads and the Abbasids, therefore, they avoided to refer the event, such as Ibn Hisham (d. 218/833), Ibn Sa'd (d. 230/845) and Tabari (d. 310/922). Nevertheless, Nisai (d. 151/768), Ahmad bin Hanbal (d. 241/855), Tirmizi (d. 279/893), Ibn Majah (d. 283/897), Abu Daud (d. 276/890) and Yaqubi (d. 284/898) had demonstrated their impartiality, whose bold assertion lends colour to this historical event. In sum, Hussein Ali Mahfuz, in his researches, has recorded with documentation in "Tarikh ash-Shia" (Karbala, n.d., p. 77) as quoted by Dr. S.H.M. Jafri in "Origins and Early Development of Shia Islam" (London, 1979, p. 20) that the tradition of Ghadir'i Khum has been narrated by at least 110 Companions, 84 tabi'un, 355 ulema, 25 historians, 27 traditionists, 11 exegesists, 18 theologians and 5 philosophers.

The majority who accepted Abu Bakr as their leader, had laid more emphasis on the socio-political side, disregarding the religious principle and the idea of Allah choosing the Imams of the Moslems. This assumption is strongly supported by the words of Umar bin Khattab, who in reply to Ibn Abbas, said: "The people do not like having the Prophethood and Caliphate combined in the Banu Hashim" (Tabari, 1st vol., p. 2769).

Eid-e Ghadir -- The Greatest Eid -- Eid al A'yad -- The day of Vilayah (spiritual clergy, when Islam was completed).

Yaum-ul-Ghadir Mubarak Everyone!

We the students of Howza Imam Khomeini (RA) in Syria are happy to congardulate you on this day of Eid -el-Ghadeer, the day of Vilayah. Blessed is the one who knoweth this day and its merit.

Eid-e Gadhir is celebrated with great rejoicing by Shia Muslims where they remember Prophet Muhammad's last instructions to the believers. Eid-e-Ghadir is one of the most important days of rejoicing for Shia Muslims around the world as that was the day our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) declared Hazrat Ali's vicegerency at Ghadir e Khumm on his return from his last pilgrimage which is known in history as ‘Hajjat-ul-Wida'. This took place on the 18th of Zil-Hajj, in 632 AC, 3 months before his demise, when the Prophet and his followers were returning from his last pilgrimage. Prophet Muhammad announced that he had received an important revelation from Allah, and made a halt at the pond called Ghadir Khumm. A make-shift dias was erected from sadles, sticks and camel skins and as soon as all the pilgrims were gathered, he acted upon the revelation of Ayah-e Gadhir Khumm.
"O Messenger (Prophet), deliver to the people what has been revealed to you from your Lord and if you do not do so then you will not have delivered His message and Allah will protect you from the people. For God does not guide those who reject Faith."
Ya 'ayyuhar Rasoolu ballig maa unzila ilayka mir-Rabbik. Wa illam taf'al famaa ballagta Risaalatah. Wallaahu ya'simuka minan naas. Innal'laaha laa yahdilqawmal kaafiriin. Quran 5:67

The Prophet thence declared "'Man Kuntu Mowlahu fa haza Aliyun Mowlahu' - 'He of whomever I am the Master-Lord (Mowla), Ali is his Master-Lord (Mowla). Prophet Muhammad had been discoursing all the other revelations among the muslims regarding the tenets and practice of the faith and about material life, and what could this verse of surpassing urgency mean and why was he admonished that if he did not reveal that message then his mission would be unfulfilled! Why had he been warned so strongly by Allah to deliver the message right away.
According to Shia tradition, Prophet Muhammad had been apprehensive about declaring his own son-in-law and cousin Ali ibn Abu Talib as his spiritual (Amirul Momineen, Commander of the believers) and secular (Caliph, King) heir, for fear that it would divide the nascent Muslim community. The rich Muslims were already jealous of Hazrat Ali's favored position with Prophet Muhammad (being married to Hazrat Fatima, being his cousin, appointed as Commander at many important battles) and in the above revelation God reassures him.

Rumi talks about the Gadhir-e Khumm appointment in his Majalis as follows:

"It must be borne in mind that after the death of the Prophet the belief in the Wilayat of the Imams from his progeny is as important a part of our religion as the belief in the Wilayat of the Prophet in his lifetime. This is supported by the Tradition according to which the Prophet is reported to have said at ‘Ghadeer Khum', "Am I not more precious to you than your own-selves?" This is an echo of the Qur'anic verse which says, "The Prophet is more dear to the ‘Momins' than their own-selves to them." It is said, that in response to this question by the Prophet, when the companions said "Yes, you are dearer to us than our own lives", the Prophet said, "O God, be witness to their admission". After this he said, "‘Ali is the master of one who acknowledges me to be his master. O God love those who love ‘Ali. Help those who help ‘Ali. Desert those who desert ‘Ali. Let the truth accompany ‘Ali wherever he goes."

Prophet Muhammad (saaw) felt great relief upon accomplishment of his mission of declaring Hazrat Ali his successor and legatee, wasi, and thereupon received the final revelation:

"This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion" Quran 5:3.
"Surely those who swear allegiance to you do but swear allegiance to Allah; the hand of Allah is above their hands. Therefore whoever breaks (his alleigance after this), he breaks it only to the injury of his own soul, and whoever fulfills what he has pledged with Allah, He will grant him a mighty reward." Quran (48:10)
"And, He it is who made the stars for you that ye maybe rightly guided by observing them in the darkness of the land and the sea; Indeed we have made plain the Signs for the people who can know. Qur'an (6:98)
The Holy Prophet (sas) said:
"As the stars in the sky are the source of guidance to the travelers, my Ahl al Bayt (the Imams descended from the Prophet's family) are the source of guidance for the people. And, as the stars will remain in the sky until the day of judgment, the earth will never be without a Divine Guide from my Ahl al Bayt".

In the Fatimid era in Egypt, Eid-e Ghadir became an even more important holiday as many blessings were showered on the community.

"Morale and enthusiasm were kept up by the observance of various festivals of general Islamic nature; particularly those of Shia and Ismailiyah. Fridays and the two Idd days were the days of festivity. Moreover, the Shia festival of Idd-e-Ghadeer al-Khumm and the 10th of Muharram were also observed.

Birthdays of the Ahl-e-Bayt (the Prophet's family) and the Imams and certain important dates of the year were celebrated. The Fatimid Caliph and the Ismaili Imam took part in the celebrations of the festivals. Local festivals of secular origin, like the "Flooding of the Nile" and "Navroz" (beginning of spring) were also encouraged by the Fatimid Caliph. al-Muiz would hold huge receptions at his palace; processions were taken through the town and the whole town was illuminated". - From Taarekh Imamah.

O ye who believe, obey Allah, and obey the Apostle (Prophet Muhammad) and the holders of authority from amongst you (Ulil Amr Minkum i.e. the Imams of the Time)" Ya ayuhaa lazeena aamanoo, ati Ullah, wa ati Urasool, wa Ulil Amr Minkum The Quran 4:59.

One time, on the 18th of Zilhaj, which was a Friday, while giving a Khutba in
Jam e Masjid in Kufa, Amir al- Mumineen Ali ibn Abitaleb who was the 4th Caliph also at that time declared:

"This day is the day of the Faith's perfection. Today is the day to renew and
refresh the call and promise."

and then the Imam declared," I administer an oath in the name of Allah to all such Muslims as heard the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) making a proclamation on this day, to stand up and testify what they heard him say"

Thereupon, thirty companions of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W), including twelve of those who had participated in the battle of Badr, stood up and witnessed that the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) grasped his (Ali's) hand and said to the audience: "Do you know that I have a prior right to and superior authority over the souls (i.e., lives) of the faithful than the faithful themselves?" "O yes!" they said. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) then said: "He (Ali) is the mawla (i.e., has prior right to and superior authority over the lives) of all those of whom I am mawla. O Allah, love him who loves him (Ali) and hate him who hates him."

In addition to the thirty witnesses there were other male companions whom enmity with Ali prevented from standing up and giving their evidence as eye-witnesses, like Anas ibn Malik.

When Ali (A.S.) said to Anas: "Why do you not stand up and testify what you heard from the messenger of Allah on the day of Ghadir?" he answered, "O Amir al-Momineen! I have grown old and do not remember." Thereupon Ali said: "May Allah mark you with a white spot (of leprosy) unconcealable with your turban, if you are intentionally withholding the truth." And before Anas got up from his place he bore a large white spot on his face. Thereafter, Anas used to say: "I am under the curse of a righteous slave of Allah.

It is reported that Imam Ali (as) said," We (Aal-a-Muhammad) guided you from obscurity of ignorance and infidelity towards the splendours of knowledge and religion; we raised the standards of your life and culture for you. Because of us you saw the lights of truth and wisdom and came out of the darkness of heathenism (uncivilized or unenlightened state) and depravity (moral corruption or degradation)." (Nahjul Balagha: Sermons, letters and saying of Hazrat Ali, Khutba of Hazrat Ali 8, p. 10)

Hussein Mustafa,

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