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By Ustaz Hussein
I heard here that Syed. Fadhlollah (one of the Shia great Olemas in Lubnan) has some of the views which Sheikh. Salami has. Syed. fadhlollah has ruled out that:-
-Zanjir is Haraam.
-The shahadah of 'Aliyunwaliullah' is a good bida'h.
-Bibi Zaynab's Hijab was not removed and just the outside covering.
-Mohsen (as) was not killed in the attack of Omar against the house of Zahra (sa).

Now the Moqaledin of Syed. Fadhlollah (among whom is Sheikh Salami) believe these beliefs and we have to respect their beliefs. But Syed. Shirazi (whom many Khojas and Iranians oppose and whom Kuweiti Aarbs follow) ruled out:-
-Zanjir is Sunnah (mustahhab).
-The shahadah of 'Aliyunwaluillah' is Sunnah and a matter of Istihbaab.
-Bibi Zaynab's Hijab was removed.
-Mohsen (as) was killed in the attack of Omar against Syeda Zahra (as)'s house.

As for Syed. khamaenei', he has ruled out that:-
-Zanjir is Haraam.
-The shahadah of 'Aliyunwaluillah' is Sunnah and its not a part of Adhaan.
-Bibi Zaynab's Hijab was not removed and just the outside covering.
-Mohsen (as) was killed in the attack of Omar against Syeda Zahra (as)'s house.

Now Ayatollah Sistani's fatwa is:-
-Zanjir is Sunnah but in its boundaries (boundaries are stated in the maqtal).
-The shahadah of 'Aliyunwaluillah' is Sunnah and its not a part of Adhaan.
-Bibi Zaynab's Hijab was removed.
-Mohsen (as) was killed in the attack of Omar against Syeda Zahra (as)'s house.

Please sight the differences.

By Ustaz Hussein
The references are in:-

-Risalah amaliyah of Ayatollah Fadhlullah (ask any moqaled of Syed. Fadhlollah to give u this book).
-Ahkam-e-shari' of Syid. Shirazi (alhamdulillah, in Tanzania u have many who do taqleed of Syid. Shirazi... plz ask them about this book).
-Risalaah of Imam Khomeini which has been rechecked and reaffirmed by Imam al-Khamenei'.
-Maqtal of Syid. Sistani and his risalaah amaliyaah.
By Ustaz Hussein
About Omar's attack, you have to get a question-answer books of those respected Ulemas on the subject of Islamic History.......But those stories being in a Fiqh book is definetly nonsense because Fiqh is not aqideh.....i will ask my Howza collegues to give the books name and i will send u the names inshaallah.
By Ustaz Hussein
Br. Hasin, I was given these lists of books u can read:-

1) About the views of Syed. Fadhlullah about Zanjir, Omar's attack, e.t.c, You should read "Masaile-Aqaidieh (Doctrines) , a book written by His eminence Syed Muhamadhussein Fadhlullah.

2)About the views of Syed. Shirazi about Zanjir, you can read His risalah.

3)About the views of Syed. Fadhlollah about the Shahadah of "Aliyunwaliullah", plz read his risala amaliyeh.

I will go on giving u the other lists from 2morrow inshallah.
By Ustaz Hussein
Lebanon: Sistani deputy refuses to meet Fadlallah due to stance on Fatimah Az-Zahraa (A)

By: Karim Tellawi

BEIRUT, Lebanon: A large number of Ulema and Maraje take opposite position with Lebanon’s Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah owing to his contradictory stance on An-Nasoos Al-Waridah (Quran, hadith) about Ahlul Beit (AS) and his evil viewpoint on sufferings and tragedies happened to the Mistress of Women of World Fatimah Az-Zahraa (AS) …

Hence, a representative of Al-Marje Al-Aa’la Sayed Ali Al-Husseini As-Sistani, Al-Allamah Sayed Jawwad Ash-Sheristani paid a visit to Lebanon during which he held talks with a number of Lebanese figures including secretary general of Hezbollah Hasan Nasrallah, but he refused to meet with Fadlallah and exempted him from invitation to inauguration ceremony of Al-Imam As-Sadeq (AS) Center.

It is worth noting that these positions came on the part of renowned Shia figures on the level of Maraje, Ayaat, their deputies and grand clerics i.e. Sheikh At-Tabrezi, Sheikh Al-Wahid Al-Khorsani.

Similarly Al-Hauzah Al-Ilmiyah in holy Qom has refused to make room for Fadlallah to deal with the Hauzavi facts.
By Ustaz Hussein
Though I am not here to criticise someone's beliefs but Abi Abdillah (as) did not give away his life for one beating himself with chains. There are how many Khoja Shias whom we see walking on the fire or beating themselves with spears and chains but still their actions are totally against Imam Hussein! They oppress people, they commit corruption, they follow Yazid in their lifestyle. I have some of my relatives who are Khojeh and who go to Morogoro for "a walk on a fire" but they are drunkards, they commit witchcraft, they oppress my old and weak grandparents and the amazing thing, the Jamaat (i.e, Jaffer Mossa and Sadeq Alishan) are highly supporting these drunkards so that they go on oppressing my grandparents. The whole Jamaat of yours is filled with free masons and people of no character so why shouldn't they not support my relatives and my drunkard cousin in his actions against my grandparents?

If your Ashura is not standing for Haqq and fighting Batil as i made it clear in my Khutba that i delievered out in Bilal Mosque in Temeke, then i see that whatever you are doing is hopeless! Crying and beating ones chest has a reason and its not a tradition or a society that is filled with hypocrites.


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