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Anything and everything about the greatest miracle, The Holy Qur'an.
By Shahista J
This Surah elucidates a series of life-giving commandments of Akhlaq and social interaction which (if put into practice), would lead to an ideal civilization.
These in turn could create and cultivate a pure society that is far removed from all sorts of blameworthy moral traits.

The below is a list summarizing the commandments mentioned:
1. The people who have true faith are commanded that when they are given news or testimony about another person from one who commits sins in the open, is known for his wicked ways or is not scared of his transgressions, that they must not accept such a
testimony from him and must stay away from all forms of rumors and gossip.
2. It is incumbent upon every Muslim that he strives for peace, and must stand up against the oppressors in order to uphold the truth and maintain the rights of the oppressed.
3. All Muslims are brothers (and sisters) of and equal to one another and it is incumbent that they all endeavor to ensure that peace and happiness are established amongst themselves.
4. A Muslim does not have the right to make fun of another Muslim.
5. It is forbidden to find or pick faults in other people according to the teachings of Islam.
6. A true believer does not have the right to call his brother in faith by a nickname or bad name.
7. It is forbidden (haram) to think bad thoughts about a believing brother (or sister).
8. It is expressly forbidden to spy on or pry into the secrets and private life and affairs of other people.
9. It is a major sin to speak bad things behind the back of another Muslim.
10. In this Surah, the issue of racial superiority has also been brought to an end and the only criteria for judging who is better is one’s merit, piety and abstinence
from those things which Allah (SWT) has forbidden and by keeping away from all sins.
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By SakinaBandali
Just to add a merit of the surah, according to a tradition narrated from Imam Sadiq (as):

“One who recites Surah al-Hujurat every night or every day, shall be regarded as one of the visitors of Prophet Muhammad (S).”

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