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Vacancies and job openings in the market. Companies searching for employees are encouraged to submit information about their vacancies to Ask. In collaboration with http://www.aa.co.tz
Position Summary: Web Administrator cum Facilitator
Essential Skills: Web Development and Maintenance, Excellent Communication skills in English and Kiswahili, basic knowledge of PHP
Value-Added skills: Graphic Design, ASP, Drivers Licence
Qualifications (if any needed): None
Industry type: Social Service
Employment type: Part Time
Remuneration: To be discussed in interview

Ideal candidate should be/have: dynamic, enthusiastic and a go getter. Can be female or male over the age of 16.

Any other Information:

Some knowledge on web development and maintenance of php based forums is required. The ideal candidate will be dynamic, well versed with Islamic issues, able to take on challenges and come up with new ideas and innovations for Ask.

The job will involve 4 to 5 hours of work per day. Part of will be online work and can be done from ones home. Part of it will be field work for activities and programs that Ask shall be organizing. Field work will include visiting organizations and offices, alone or with other representatives of Ask, attending meetings and establishing contacts.

If you are interested, email me at hasin at ask.or.tz . Your application should include personal details such as age and full name, address etc. It should also include a list of 5 new and innovative ideas that you can put into action should you get the job.

Questions and queries are welcome.
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By abuali
Original Job Opening no longer open.

Ask is still on the lookout for one or two volunteers, who may have a few hours to spare in a week.

The volunteers will be incharge of: -

1. Taking religious questions raised on Ask the Scholar forum to Maalim Issa (and/or other recognised religious scholars) and to post his answers.

2. Taking questions posted at Ask the Doctor forum to Dr. Janmohammed and Prof. Karim and posting their answers.

3. Establishing and mainting contacts with organizations with whom Ask can do activities in collaboration.(for example with Red Cross TZ for First Aid Training or IUVC for creating a Domestic Support Group)

4. Promoting Ask via various means.

5. And most importantly, coming up with new ideas and projects that Ask can undertake.

and other related assignments.

The work is flexible, but requires dedication.

Apply in the same manner as described in the post above.

Note: This job does not have any financial backing yet and hence is totally voluntary. A few hours a week is the rough time frame required.
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