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1.I don't understand the concept of predestination n free will in islam

4e.g if a person got in2 a car accident we say "oh it was meant 2b" but then the person had the choice 2 drive or not so it technically b free will right ?
But ten Allah has power over all things so if he wanted 2 stop the accident he would have
So now I dont understand was that person predestined 2 get in2 an accident or was it due 2 his free will of driving that he got in 2 the accident ?

Also it says in the quran 35:8 "Allah leaves stray whom he will and guides who he wills" But then man has free will 2 do good or bad This doesn't make sense plz explain

2. a husbands right over his wife
in islam a women can not leave the house with out her husbands permission I don't understand y a husband had been given so much power over his wife

Furthermore, in the story of P. Ayub he beats his wife wen she asks him some thing like if Allah had forsaken them

So islamically is a husband allowed 2 beat his wife? if yes r there certain circumstance wen he is allowed 2 n not

3. in surah maryam it says that P Ibrahim asked his father y he was worshiping the idols but then wen we read the tasfeer its says that P Ibrahim was talking 2 his uncle not his father

well then I began 2 think were do our quran tafseer come from ?
we keep saying that the sunnis have so many fabricated hadiths n all but how do we know ours r not false ?

4.Tragedy of kerballa
I know that Imam Hussein (a.s) n his family / companies scarified their lives 2 save islam ……
n I know that 1 hadith that says we shai's were created to mourn 4 imam Hussein
(was just wondering is there any thing in the quran about mourning 4 imam Hussein) I know tawala n tabara but dose that include mourning?
Every muhram wen I listen 2 the majlises I always get something new 2 learn not only from the majlis but also from the gum part
But then I don't understand y we mourn n do mataam
Of course as a human being it is natural 2 cry wen we hear about such atrocities n some times I cry bcoz I feel that my imam gave up everything 4 me n I still commit sins
But then I think about the hours of my life I ave spent doing mataam (half the time I don't understand what the reciter is saying coz I don't understand urdu so I dont know y I m doing mataam)
Could u plz explain

5.I know wen Prophet used 2 get revelations n recite them 2 the ppl they would rite them down but the quran hasn't been arranged chronologically the way the revelations came down
So how were the verses put 2gether in 2 different surahs? n how did the suras get their names?

finally i jsut wnted 2 say
ever since I ave been on this site I have been asking 4 everyone to answer my questions n u all have been so nice to take the time 2 answer me
I m sry that I avent been able 2 help any one on this site with their questions
As u c I don’t realy know much...
n so I just wanted to thank you all
May allah bless you all
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By Muhammad
should i retype the answer i did in the other trait...??:P:P
User avatar
By Muhammad
u had posted 2 traits of the same kind...
i answerd in the other...
plz check n lemme knw..
By peaceful_soul
where did i post it ?
sry i 4 get coz i ask my questions @ many different sites

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By Muhammad
wel u posted in the SAME forum...
anywaz lemme copy paste it for u..

peaceful_soul wrote:
1.I don't understand the concept of predestination n free will in islam

4e.g if a person got in2 a car accident we say "oh it was meant 2b" but then the person had the choice 2 drive or not so it technically b free will right ?
But ten Allah has power over all things so if he wanted 2 stop the accident he would have
So now I dont understand was that person predestined 2 get in2 an accident or was it due 2 his free will of driving that he got in 2 the accident ?

Also it says in the quran 35:8 "Allah leaves stray whom he will and guides who he wills" But then man has free will 2 do good or bad This doesn't make sense plz explain

inshalah let Allah(swt) giv me strenght to atleast make me help u in 1 of your doubt...

A child is a Mothers heart...if something happens to him...its worse than it happening to herself...
the same question was asked to one of the infallible (if i m nt mistaken) and he answered his qn by taking him near 1 of the house of a lady who had an infant son...And he asked him to watch...the lady showed her love to the baby BY THE GRACE OF GOD....and the infallible asked God (just to show how God is powerful and to answer the companion) to take the love out..and immediately the mother threw the son in hot sun and started stepping on the child...the companion was shocked to see that and the infallible asked Almighty to return back the love to the mother..

my point is......that everything is in the hands of Almighty...(suggestd by the attribute!) so in that case Almighty IS the one who gave LOVE to the mother for the child...so is the case in faith..HE is the one who instills faith in us...thereby the verse sayin "He wills who he guides.." comes into fact....

About the compilation of Quran i m nt too sure bt wasnt it Imam Ali(AS) who did that??

other doubts i guess wil hav to b answerd bt others...

oh no need to thank ...its our pleasure and even we learn from it..no 1 was born intelligent(from wihtin us)...

By peaceful_soul
oppss sry I did not realized that I posted it twice :oops:
and thanx Muhammad 4 ur response the predestination and free will makes sense now
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By Muhammad
May Allah(SWT) Guide us :D
Remember in duas..


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