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The Holy Month, one of the most sacred in Islam is here again. This is the place to discuss and post facts and everything else about fasting and Ramadhan.
You Know You're Dwelling Too Much on Food When...
Monday, 24 August 2009
By Ali Saeed


While Ramadan is indeed a time for acquiring new spiritual highs, there are also some aspects of the holy month that many of us blissfully ignore. The following are a few observations, and you will be surprised by how many you can relate to!

1. Your mouth salivates at the thought of boiled broccoli.

2. Your usually-crammed day-planner is filled with nothing but the entries "suhoor," "iftar," "order pizza", and "get food from Mom's place".

3. You flood your resident aalim's inbox with questions on the permissibility of chewing flavorless gum.

4. You pinch your baby nephew's cute cheeks and think, "Tomatoes!"

5. You crave exotic delicacies. Like Ramen noodles.

6. You spend hours online researching recipes, when you can't even boil water on a stove.

7. You insist that the colors at the gas station pump remind you of a certain chocolate bar wrapper.

8. You get delighted by a dental appointment because you can have water sprayed in your mouth.

9. You walk past the cafeteria twelve times a day hoping to catch a whiff of food.

10. You chew at your No. 2 pencil until all the yellow paint is gone and think, "Hmm, tasty!"


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