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Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 02:03
by Brother in Islam
The KSIJ Dar has once again done a Safir e Hussein Project what is your view on this...

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 18:56
by Muhammad Mahdi
Well, I personally haven't visited the project yet but from what I heard from my bro who did visit, I was surprised at some of the events narrated.

And I remember that it had cost quite a large sum last year. Any one know how much it cost this time around?

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 14 Dec 2010, 23:23
by Moonbeam
I was impressed by the effort put into it. The graphics and depictions were very well done. Unfortunately I appreciated only the appearance, it did not touch me very emotionally mainly beacuse I kept getting bugged by the way the volunteers were going about their way laughing and joking. It definitely has potential to move people to tears but the attitude has to change. What they are depicting is a serious and sad event, not a fun past time in the holidays. It felt so hypocritical reading slogans about change brought by 72 warriors but what are we as a community of thousands doing?

This is the first time I visited it, haven't been to the one last year.

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 15 Dec 2010, 06:14
by Muntazir
In the name of 'Allah.

Salaamun 'aleykum.

I was there at the opening and no doubt they have done something other communities don't get a chance to see or feel. Yes, there were a few historical mistakes but I don't blame them for how they were prepared. We tried to shed the correct ahadith but it was like too much for them because they had to memorize parts of historical traditions from the books. Some young brothers were also exhausted ... May 'Allah accept their intentions and hard work for the sake of 'Allah and the Ahl al-Bayt ['a.s], insha'Allah.

My main concern was that it should be open for the non-Muslims as well, but unfortunately it keeps revolving within the community and nothing is spread out to people, unlike the Sunnis or Wahhabis, ...

Mainly, when the work was being done I had gone for a visit and what I saw was completely unacceptable. African men were working with their chest exposed and our khoja girls would roam around as if it didn't matter to them. Worst of all, the scout leaders incharge also didn't bother about it. This is something that it needs to be discussed with them after that they've completed their project because it might create a misunderstanding due to their stress.

I also heard from a sister who said that there were some Pakistani brothers who came and started to condemn the whole idea of Safir... does anyone know what was his concern?

Also, there are some extreme movements by some people in this community and they are trying to encourage kufr to people who really don't know much about Islam.

I heard there's a lady who is selling eyes, ear, nose, ... for shifaa'? My sister saw it and even asked the lady about it and she actually said that! I advise the sisters to avoid such things by people and they should be immediately asked to stop and explained and if they argue then they should be asked to leave the masjid.

The same goes for the Kerbala project water, which is coloured and dirty. People come in the day of 'Ashura and take the water for drinking or for Shifaa'?! Did our Imam ['a.s] and 'Abbas ['a.s] go to the river for Shifaa' or for drinking? I advise the brothers and sisters to be careful.

Lastly, I also strongly feel for those people who give their faiths to the fake zareehs in Mehfil e-'Abbas ['a.s], the replica masjids and swords, ... kiss them and cry, ... Including having a strong belief in colourful threads: the green, red and black.

This shows how weak this community's imaan is on 'Allah that the entire faith is given to material things than 'Allah Himself.

This issue is very serious and sensitive and it should be a hot topic to be discussed and clarified. If necessary, we can even hold a session on this.

This is destroying our image as being the followers of Imam 'Ali ['a.s]! And 'Allah has said: Famayya'mal mithqaala Dharrah! Everything shall be and will be questioned. But people are forgetting the verse, wa maa khalaqtul jinn wal ins illa... illa what? For His worship!

Ways to 'Allah are numerous like our breath! But Shaytaan does his work for sure and we swear at him because he misguides us, isn't it? But open the translation of Mizaan al-Hikmah [Scale of Wisdom] and see Shaitan and you'll find a tradition saying: don't curse shaytaan, just ask 'Allah to keep you on His path!

I apologize if I said something wrong.

The Truth is with 'Allah! 'Allahu A'lam.

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 15 Dec 2010, 23:44
by Aliabbas Nasser
Salaams Muntazir

Some great points raised by you surely but just a simple mis conception that I have if you can help:

Many of us belief and surely agree that TAWASSUL, WASILAH is allowed and accepted, so crying on the alam and the fake zarihs which are the replica is a way of using the wasila for people isnt it?

Secondly having them there give us the view of their greatness and then results in cries and having those sad emotions, what are your views?

As far as Safire Hussein is concerned where men and women working together in this project?? any strict supervision??

Overall its a great job done but yes it should surely be open to all to spread the message of our religion!

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 07:00
by abuali

To allow for meaningful discussion and to stay on-topic, i suggest that the following points raised be started as separate threads:

1. Are only khoja men namahram for khoja ladies?(refering to the issue of women being around shirtless men working whether at mosque or at home)

2. Shifaa ( via water, threads and the lady who sells body parts)

3. Symbols and replicas of Aimmah (as) and their use to raise emotion and connect to the Aimmah (as).

4. Seriousness, correctness and humility in spreading the news of the tragedy of Imam (as) (refering to the laughing and having fun by some volunteers and the historical errors in narrating the event).

Br. Aliabbas you can then post your question about tawwasul in the relevant thread that Br. Muntazir starts.

Br. Muntazir you can then use the relevant threads to discuss th fatwas regarding the issues raised.

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 07:14
by abuali
Another point thats worthy of a thread:

5. How we can spread the news of the event of karbala to people of other faiths (refering to Safir not being open to any other community)

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 14:38
by Muntazir
In the name of He Who is the as-Sami', al-Baseer, al-Haadi, al-Waliy' - The 'Allah Almighty!

Salaamun 'aleykum warahmatullah.

I agree that I got a little carried away upon hearing about the nose and eyes stuff being sold in the Mehfils, but this is because it's a fact misguidance which people are unaware of.

It was today morning when my wife was explaining to me how some ladies attend the majaalis and hold some hanging metal thing [can't recall what it was exactly] and ask for hajaat! This is not even close to wasilah ya akhi. There is a complete different philosophy when it comes to asking 'Allah through the pure ma'sooms ['a.s.w.s].

As for now, we can discuss these issues by the niyyat of worship and Qurb of 'Allah and ask Him to guide us towards the right path and keep us safe from the misguidance of Shaytan ar-Rajeem.

Once the topics have started separately then we can start bringing proofs and evidence from the holy Prophet and the Imams ['a.s.w.s]. We can even ask brothers from Qom to share their views insha'Allah.

I'm currently facing some problems with powernet internet connection so excuse my delay or short answers.

Thanks for your patience.

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 15:34
by Muntazir
In the name of the Truthful.

Salaamun 'aleykum akhi.
Many of us belief and surely agree that TAWASSUL, WASILAH is allowed and accepted, so crying on the alam and the fake zarihs which are the replica is a way of using the wasila for people isnt it?
From where do we learn wasilah from? If we learn wasilah from our Prophets and Imams and the pure ladies ['a.s.w.s] then this wasilah that our community is practicing is completely strange and alien to me if not us.

A small example which can give a big picture: Prophet Adam when punished for eating from the forbidden tree, was very upset and kept weeping for several hundred years until Jibra'eel came to him and said: "Why don't you ask 'Allah by the wasilah of five pure souls?" He asked: "Who are they?" Jibra'eel replied: "They are Muhammad, Faatimah, 'Ali, Hassan and Hussein ['a.s.w.s]." Prophet Adam asked 'Allah for forgiveness by taking them as wasilahs and 'Allah then forgave him and lady Hawa...

I don't know the exact hadith but I remember reading it once in Qom from an authentic source. Insha'Allah, if 'Allah wishes then I will find it soon for the brothers and sisters to benefit from.

Also, if one really wants to know what a true wasilah is then read du'a at-Twassul and al-Kumayl and see how the infallibles ['a.s] approach their Lord and how we should do it the same. We don't need things that were not there before and now because it's there we find it extremely important to ask for our hajaat. If I may ask, won't your du'aas get accepted if you do wasilah in your heart just like the way one would do on the plane or ship or bus... if something went wrong? Would one look for a thing to hold at that time and then ask? If this is the mentality of some people then they would even hold the person sitting next to them and ask 'Allah because it creates a habit of holding things or having things tied around them to get connected to 'Allah. Whereas we never find such behaviour with our pure teachers ['a.s.w.s].

Prophet Muhammad [s.'a.w.w] had another lady feeding him milk [can't recall her name, perhaps Halima. Correct me if I'm wrong] she also had 2 sons who would go out for work. The young prophet once asked his mother as to where they go and she told him, so he also insisted for it and she agreed. But before letting him go, she tied a taweez for him and said "this will protect you". The young prophet, even though too young to argue back, asked his mother: "This will protect me?" He took it out and returned it to her and said, "I already have someone to protect me, I don't need this."
Secondly having them there give us the view of their greatness and then results in cries and having those sad emotions, what are your views?
Does it mean that without them show us nothing of their greatness? Do we need such things to make us cry or feel sad for what befell on them? This surely means our faith is weak. Think about it! Also try to compare such thoughts with the hindu belief and you would not see any difference. But before you do think, try to find out from them why they keep those idols to get a better picture.

If someone can remember this incident when a person had gone to a Sayyid and asked him regarding shedding tears of blood and had doubts about it. What did the Sayyid do? He took out his handkerchief and literally shed tears of blood. If I may ask, did he hold something to do that or was it his imaan and faith? Why can't we struggle for it rather than crying on material things and then committing sins outside? It's a fact! Because this reduces our imaan and whoever has less imaan in them are bound to commit sins and nobody disagrees to this fact.

Insha'Allah, there's alot to be discussed but in their own place and time.

Hope this discussion is making some sense.

However, kindly note that I'm not against the zareehs nor any of those replicas in the masaajids and mahaafils. I see it as a symbol not a wasilah for becoming closer to 'Allah. 'Allah tells us to keep away from the worldly things but we keep holding on to them... 'Ud'ooni fastajiblakum! Those of you who know the 'Arabic grammar know that this is not khabari but rather it's an order. It's basically like this: "[You Must] Call [Only] upon Me and [Immediately] I WILL Reply back to you!" One may ask, but we do! There is a good book written by Musavi Lari and discusses this issue and why our du'as don't get accepted. Please search for it on the net. I've forgotten the name and my books are delayed to arrive from Qom, but insha'Allah, I'll update you guys once it's here.

Once again, I apologize if I said something wrong and hurt anyone by discussing on this issue. If the brothers and sisters would like to discuss on this topic then we can follow Br. Hasin's advise.


Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 17:05
by Muntazir
In His name.

Salaamun 'aleykum.

Hadith No. 145: Imam Ja'far as-Saadiq ['a.s.w.s] says: "Having a good opinion of 'Allah means that you must not hope in anyone except Him and you should not fear for anything except for your sins."

Kindly also see the Tafseer of Surah al-Falaq, from the thick black Qur'an sold at the Tableegh book shop opp. the masjid.

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 25 Dec 2010, 13:00
by abuali
Brother Muntazir, will you open the new threads with the points raised? It will be easier to discuss the issues there and just discuss the safir project in this thread

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 25 Dec 2010, 21:07
by Muntazir
In the name of 'Allah.

Salaamun 'aleykum


I heard from my sister that the brothers are going to Kerbala but the sisters have not been given the chance, whereas the sisters also worked really hard for the entire project. Is this fair?

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 04 Jan 2011, 21:24
by Insaan
I heard that jamat/tabligh/scouts allowed boys and girls to work together whilemaking the Safir project.

And boys and girls were caught doing inappropriate things with each other at Mehfil Abbas (as)!

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 16:26
by abuali

Re: Safir e Hussein Project in Dar-es-salaam

Posted: 15 Jan 2011, 18:12
by abuali
can anyone who was working on the safir project comment on the truth of this issue?

Br. Muntazir?
Muntazir wrote:I heard from my sister that the brothers are going to Kerbala but the sisters have not been given the chance, whereas the sisters also worked really hard for the entire project. Is this fair?
I was told the ladies also went for Ziarat.