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The sad first month of the Islamic calendar during which the family of the Holy Prophet were faced with a great ordeal and tragedy.
Asma Karim wrote: 21 Apr 2021, 21:03 Allah is the best of planners and protectors. He is the all knowing and the all- powerful

Quick Facts about elephants

Largest land animals
Thick skin
Continues to growth throughout their life
Constantly eating
Calves can stand within 20 mins of birth
The tusks are actually their teeth
Get startled by anything moving near their feet
Extremely smart animals; largest brains within the land animals. Have emotions, feelings, compassion and self-awarenesss.
One of the only animals that can recognise their reflections in the mirror.
Don’t forget easily
The different species are noticed by their ears!

Lessons learnt from the elephant:

We need to start giving thanks for all these bounties. Be more compassionate, more self-aware, deal with our emotions. We shouldn’t forget the good things one has done for us rather than sticking to just the bad deeds. Have awareness at all times! — both about ourselves and about our religion (we should stand firm in our faith).
Great insight!

Which majlises have you extracted this from?
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