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The sad first month of the Islamic calendar during which the family of the Holy Prophet were faced with a great ordeal and tragedy.

Aa-z'amallahu ujooranaa wa ujoorakum bi mus'aabinaa bil Husayni alayhis salaam
Wa ja-a'lanaa wa iyyakum minat't'aalibeena bi-thaarihee ma-a waliyyihil imaamil Mahdiyy min aali Mohammedin a'layhimus salaam

Highly satisfying is the recompense from Allah for us when we are with Husayn [as] in his sorrow and grief.
And may He grant us and you to be among the those who will assist His cause and purpose under the leadership of His friend and representative the rightly Guided Guide (Imam Al Mahdi [ajtf]) the direct descendant of Muhammad [pbuh]

On this anniversary of the sacrifice of the master of the martyrs, Ask would like to initiate a thread whereby brothers and sisters can write a poem and dedicate it to the martyrs of Karbala as a form of condolence to Sayyida Fatima Zahra (as) and the Holy Ahl Bayt (as), especially Imam Mahdi (ajtf)

The following are guidelines:

1. The poem has to be the original work by the person who submits it/attaches his/her name to it.
2. At the end of the poem you can write your name so that authorship is on record.
3. A poem can be in many forms. Any form is okay. It can be a few verses or many verses.
4. English, Swahili, Urdu/Hindi and Gujarati can be used.
5. The poem has to unpublished before in any form.
6. The poem has to be posted in this thread. If you do not have a user account on Ask, you can use the guest account to login and post.
Guest account username: Insaan
Password: passask
7. If you post your poem using the guest account, we cannot know who the author is unless you post your name. Don't forget to end your post with your name and email wc@ask.or.tz your telephone contact.

Inshallah, if we receive enough entries it can be compiled into a journal and launched as an e-journal or even a hard copy.

T he beacon light of inspiration is Hussain, the one who took a monumental stand to rescue truth, justice and humanity from the evil clutches of ignorancy, oppression and deviation .
How? one may ask, whereby we reply: ponder and decide , aren't we indebted to him generation after generation?
Everything he possessed, he sacrificed, so that you and I can realize that rising against oppression is our duty, silence on the face of transgression is degradation .

Secured himself and his dear ones he could have, by paying allegiance to the tyrannical government of his time , but mankind he had to save, firm against despotism he took his stand.
Altruistic motives ran deep in his blood , love & compassion for one and all he had , sufferings of others he could not bear, against inhumanity he strived with his small band.
Valuable lessons he taught ,human conscience he pricked, paving the way for mankind to stand for their rights and resist oppression, whatever their religious inclination.
Inviting towards beautiful moral principles , enjoining good and forbidding evil though his supporters were few, proving that numerical superiority is valueless if it is in the wrong direction.
Owes humanity to him, for all the good values it stands for and all the evil it strives against, after all, isn't he the one who set an example by practising what he preached?
Universal revolution he bought, with his unique way of avoiding bloodshed and maintaining harmony as long as possible but never flinching if sacrifice was needed, for the ultimate truth to be saved.
Reformed mankind by imbibing the love of selfless qualities of compassion, honour and sacrifice, making clear the true purpose of human existence, surely Hussain is the saviour of mankind.

written by, Reyhana Hussein

Who is Hussain? Let me explain.
Hungry and thirsty he was slain.
On the desert of Karbala he lay in pain.

Inviting mankind to do good.
Striving to wipe out falsehood.

Humble servant of God he was.
Unique position to which he rose.
Strong and unshakable faith he had.
Successfully to guidance he led.
Allegiance to evil he refused.
In spite of the torments he suffered.

By: Tayyiba Hussain Jetha
Right hand severed,
Left hand slashed,
One eye blood-smeared,
The other an arrow pierced;

Wounds that rivers of blood bleed,
The water for Sakina (as) lay spilled,
Falling off the horse with no hands to fend,
Pain, agony, thirst, heat of the sand;

Yet at this time Abbas (as) only thinks of Husayn (as),
How will my Master carry my body alone in pain?
'Do not take my body back to camp O son of the prophethood seal',
That is my final request, testament and will;

O Abbas
'How great a consoler you were as a brother'! (Ziyarat-e-Abul Fadhl in Ziyarat-e-Waaritha)

Dedicated to Abbas (as) on 8 Muharram 1438
It is the night of Ashoor, the greatest night
The enemy is preparing for a gruesome fight

The cries of al Al Atash on the night of Ashoor
Move from hell fire to paradise the awakened Hurr

The night of Ashoor his companions Husayn calls upon
I lift my bay'ah from you, you can leave me and live on

O Master, is life without you a life?
We'd rather have with the kuffar, a deadly strife

Husayn looked at each one in the eyes, his own shining with pride
Each one on the morrow shall walk with a gallant stride

These are the ones quoted in the Qur'an in verse 4 of sura Saff
They will prove themselves on the land of Taff

They shall fight and protect Husayn like a wall, firm and compact
The atrocities shall not move them, nay leave their determinations intact

Not all of them are warriors, yet they possess hearts of sacrifice
In the way of The Lord that shall suffice

They shall protect their Imam with their swords and their might
Give up everything they have in that extraordinary fight

Where else have we seen a ninety two year old knight
Upon his death advising an eighty year old not to lose his insight?

Where else have we seen a teen willing for death to taste?
And women wanting to pick up spears yet maintain their state chaste?

Where else has a valiant soldier submitted to only go for water
And this does not his enthusiasm at all falter?

Where else is a baby shot with a three pronged arrow?
All this is to be seen upon dawning of the morrow

Is it surprising that Burayr is smiling and so are others few
Life after tomorrow will start anew

These are the valiant, death who fear not
Proudly Husayn says, The best of companions I have got

Faya laytanee kuntu ma akum I do regularly chant
Seeds of love for my Imam have I managed to plant?

These are trees; unshakeable,immovable, standing upright
I am not even a seedling that has seen the sunlight


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