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A section dedicated to reviews of books ... good, bad, excellent or aweful...let others know what you thought of books that you have read...
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By qarrar

I thought it would be great if we could have a thread whereby we recommend books and articles, which are of interest to all of us, preferably religious texts and articles. If one recommends a book or an article, they should state the full details of the book and where it maybe found and the price if applicable. Also a short paragraph on the book or the article would be nice.

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By abuali
Alaykum Salaam

Some sort of a book/article review. Good idea.

I have been thinking of a 'book exchange club' for the past few weeks.

This is how it would basically work: -

1. An Ask member would list down books he/she has and is willing to exchange with others (this may be a temporary, reversible exchange or permanent)

2. Other members would show interest if they want to read one of those books and in exchange give this member another book to read.

In this way we can all benefit as we can read books we dont have and not have to pay anything extra for it. It can become our own 'library'

What do you think?
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By Muhammad Mahdi
hasin wrote:willing to exchange with others
with users from different places will that be possible?
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By qarrar
You could call each other and read out the chapters from the books. :D How’s that for an idea?
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By Muhammad Mahdi
You could call each other and read out the chapters from the books.
great idea
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By Muhammad Mahdi
astonished minhaal wrote:call u mean phone ?
yeah. nice idea dont you think so :?:
By minhaal2000
moral dilema or what ?

the admisnistration can not figure out a way to put a chat room in here ... u wana start calling ppl ..

u guys call us we'll be glad to here from you .. ur probably the rich guys in here..

ur minority..ill give u my number anyways ...lol
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By qarrar
minhaal2000 wrote:u guys call us we'll be glad to here from you .. ur probably the rich guys in here..ur minority..ill give u my number anyways ...lol
Anything for propagating knowledge :)
hasin wrote:An Ask member would list down books he/she has and is willing to exchange with others (this may be a temporary, reversible exchange or permanent)
Let’s put this idea on ice for now and get started with recommending books to read. After all Dar has the best Shia Islamic book store in the southern hemisphere so I am sure a member shouldn’t have much trouble in getting hold of the relevant texts.

On this same positive note let me recommend the most important text of all.

" We have sent down to thee the book explaining all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad Tidings to Muslims," (Sura An-Nahl, No. 16, verse 89).

Name: The Holy Quran

The Holy Qur'an the ' text-book ' of Islam. All the doctrines, principals, laws, commandments and prohibitions of Islam are enshrined in it. It was through the Qur'an and Muhammad Mustafa (p.b.u.h.) that the message of Allah (s.w.t.) to mankind was completed, and through the inspired commentary of Ahlul-Bait, religion was perfected.
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By Muntazir
Bismillahi Ar-Rahmani, Ar-Rahim.
(I begin by the name of the Almighty, the most Munificent, and the most Compassionate)

As-Salaamun Alaikum.

I highly recommend everyone to read the book called "The Hereafter" (Ma'ad) It's too beautiful! Once you start reading it, you would actually wish for its never ending.

Another book is by Imam Khomeni: The 40 Hadiths, and Adab us Salat

You can find these books at the Tabligh Book Store opposite the Masjid.

Allah Hafeez
By Mazhar
I recently read a book"The elixir of Love" its about a sheikh with ilm e irfan(gnosticism)..All the content is true and will definitely strenghten ones faith
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