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Importance Of The Tasbih

1. What Is The Meaning Of ‘Remembering Allah Much’?

The Noble Qur’an tells us:

وَالذَّاكِرِينَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا وَالذَّاكِرَاتِ….

“…Those men who remember Allah much and those women who also remember Allah much…” (Surat al-Ahzab, 33:35).

Remembering Allah (SWT) in every situation and in all circumstances helps to remove the veils of negligence and inattentiveness from one’s heart and also distances the Satanic whispers from oneself.
As far as the meaning of ‘remembering Allah much’ is concerned, it has been narrated in the Islamic traditions and various commentaries of the Qur’an (in regards to the verse of the Qur’an quoted above) that this phrase has a wide scope of understanding and application to it and includes all forms of the ‘official’ adhkar1 which the Muslims recite.

In a hadith from the Prophet of Islam (S) we read that: “When a man wakes up (from sleep) and proceeds to wake his wife up from her sleep, and both of them perform Wudu and then recite Salatul Layl (the night prayer), it is said that this man and woman remember Allah much.”
Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq ('a) has said that: “Whoever recites the tasbih of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ at night becomes included in the verse of the Qur’an which states:

... يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ ذِكْرًا كَثِيرًا

‘O’ you who have true faith! Remember Allah – a constant and frequent remembering…’” (Surat al-Ahzab, 33:41).

There are many things which can make one negligent while in the material world and truly, the arrows of the whispering devils come from every direction and the only way to fight against these distractions is by remembering Allah i much.

Some people asked the Noble Prophet (S): “On the Day of Judgement, which of the servants will have the highest status?” The Prophet (S) replied:

ألذَّا كِرُونَ اللهَ كَثِيرأ
“Those who remember Allah much.” (Surat al-Ahzab, 33:41).

In addition, Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq ('a) has said, “Whoever remembers Allah much, Allah will give him a place in His shadow of Mercy in Paradise.”

From these narrations, we can deduce that remembering Allah (SWT) much has a wide range of meanings attached to it. However, the traditions show us that from these, the greatest form of remembrance of Allah (SWT) (which is the topic of this book) is that of the tasbih of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ ('a) which is comprised of:

34 Times:

أللّٰه أّكْبَرُ

[Allahu Akbar]
Allah is greater than what can be compared to Him.

33 Times:

أَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ

All the Praise belongs to Allah.

33 Times:

سْبْحٰانَ اللّٰهِ

[Subhana Allah]
Glory belongs to Allah.

In yet another verse of the Qur’an, Allah (SWT) tells us:

إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَذَكَرُوا اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا
“Except those who have true faith and perform righteous actions and remember Allah much…” (Surat al-Shu’ara, 26:227).

In regards to this verse, there is a tradition from Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq ('a) in which he has stated that: “The meaning of ‘remembering Allah much’ is the tasbih of Fatimah Az-Zahra’, as this (tasbih) includes the glorification, praise and sanctification (of Allah).”
2. Frequent Remembrance Of Allah (SWT)

Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq ('a) has said:

تَسْبِيحُ فَا طِمَةَ الزَّهْرَاء مِنَ الذِّكْرِالْكَثِيرِالَّذِي قَالَ اللّٰهُ عَزٌَوّجلَّ اذْكُرُوآللّٰه ذِكْراًكَثِيراً
“The tasbih of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ (peace be upon her) is from the application of remembering (Allah) much, just as Allah, the Noble and Grand, has stated that, …and remember Allah - a frequent remembering. ”
3. The Way Of The Ahlul Bayt ('A)

Imam ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Hadi ('a) has said, “We the Ahlul Bayt perform ten actions before the time of sleeping: Wudu … and we recite ‘Subhana Allah’ thirty-three times; ‘Alhamdulillah’ 33 times; and ‘Allahu Akbar’ thirty-four times.”
4. Teaching The Tasbih To One’s Children

The Noble Prophet of Islam (S) taught the best lesson to his daughter Fatimah Az-Zahra’ ('a) - the tasbih! From the day which he taught it to her until now, millions of believers recite this tasbih after each of their daily prayers. Due to the respect of this tasbih, Allah (SWT) accepts and fulfills the legitimate desires of His servant, removes the difficulties in a person’s life and grants the servant success.

In the book, Qurb al-Isnad, it has been narrated from Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq ('a) that: “We command our children to recite the tasbihat2 of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ just as we command them to perform the Salat. You too (the Imam was speaking to his companion, Abu
Harun) should command your children to the same since any servant who recites this (the tasbih) will be protected from all misfortunes.”
5. Encouragement To Recite The Tasbih

The narrations from the A’immah3 ('a) in regards to the tasbihat are numerous and within them, these great personalities have instructed their followers (Shi’a) to recite the tasbih at all times.

We have a tradition from Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir ('a) which states: “Allah has not been worshipped with anything greater than the tasbih of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ which is recited after every Salat, because if there was anything else better than this, then indeed the Prophet would have granted that to his daughter, Fatimah Az-Zahra’.”
6. Advice From Imam Az-Zaman (May Allah Hasten His Return) In Regards To The Tasbihat

The great Marja’, late Ayatullah al-’Uzma as-Sayyid Shahab ad-Din Mar’ashi al-Najafi Ji, who passed away in Qum over 10 years ago narrated the following incident:

“One time, during my ziyarat to al-’Askariain (the shrine of Imam ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad an-Naqi ('a) and Imam Hasan Ibn ‘Ali al-’Askari ('a) in Samarrah) and thereafter on my way to visit the son of the 10th Imam – Sayyid Muhammad, I became lost. Due to my intense hunger and thirst, I gave up hope of living as through this ordeal, I had almost fallen unconscious. While in this state, I collapsed to the ground. All of a sudden, I opened my eyes and found my head in the lap of a magnanimous person. He gave me some water to drink, the like of which I had not ever drank in my entire life! After that, we started our journey and along the way, he shared some of his bread with me.

He then asked me, ‘O’ Sayyid! Where do you want to go?’ I replied, ‘To the Haram of Sayyid Muhammad.’ He said, ‘This here is the Haram of Sayyid Muhammad.’ I looked up and realized that I was under the blessed dome of Sayyid Muhammad even though where I got lost was quite a distance away from the sanctuary of this son of the Imam!

During the time that I was with this great personality, he advised me to perform many recommended acts such as the recitation of the Noble Qur’an and the tasbih of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ ('a), but it did not even occur to me who this man was until he disappeared from my sight. At that time, I realized that it was the Imam of our time!’”
7. The Greatness Of The Tasbih Of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ ('A)

As noted, Allah (SWT) has not been praised with anything greater than the remembrance contained in the tasbih of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ ('a) since if there was anything greater than this, then surely the Noble Prophet (S) would have given that as a gift to his daughter.

This is a form of remembrance of Allah (SWT) which, in the eyes of Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq ('a) is greater than 1,000 rak’at of Salat!

In addition, every servant of Allah (SWT) who holds firm and performs this remembrance is guaranteed that he shall never experience any loss or harm.

Therefore, just as parents order their children to perform the Salat, they must also abises them to perform the ta’qibat (prayers and supplications after the Salat). Even though this specific form of supplication - the tasbih - is a mere 100 recitations, however in the scale of the Divine, it has a reward of 1,000!

This form of remembrance pushes the Satan away from a person and earns a believer the pleasure of the Creator of the Universe.

It also removes any (spiritual) heaviness which a person may have in his ears and as we are told, not a single servant of Allah i recites this remembrance after the Salat before he moves his feet from its previous position, except that Allah (SWT) forgives his sins and finds that person worthy of entering Paradise. This reward especially holds true if it is performed after Salatul Fajr and if a person completes the tasbih with saying ‘La Ilaha Illa Allah’ and then asks forgiveness for his sins.

With saying the tasbihat, a servant of Allah (SWT) will be placed into the ranks and raised up (on the Day of Judgement) with those who ‘remember Allah (SWT) much’. Such a person will also be worthy of being among those whom Allah (SWT) Himself remembers, just as He has stated and promised:

... فَاذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرْكُمْ...

…Remember Me and I shall remember you… (Surat al-Baqara, 2:152).
Philosophy Of The Tasbih

1. An Unparalleled Gift

It has been narrated in the traditions that:

إِنَّ عَلِيَّ بْنَ أَبِي طَالِبٍ أَمَرَ فَاطِمَةَ تَسْتَخْدِمُ رَسُولَ اللٌّهِ فَقَالَتْ: يَا رَسُولَ اللٌّهِ! إِنَّهُ قَدْ شُقَّ عَليَّ الرَّحى – وَ أَرَتْهُ أَثَراً فِي يَدَيْهَا مِنْ أَثَرِ الرَّحى – فَسَأَلَتْهُ أَنْ يُخْدِمَهَا خَادِماً. فَقَالَ: أَوَلاَ أُعَلِّمُكِ خَيْراًً مِنَ الدُّنْـيَا وَ مَا فِيهَا؟ إِذَا آوَيْتِ إِلـى فِرَاشِكِ فَكَبِّرِي أَرْبَعاً وَ ثَلاَثِينَ تَكْبِيرَةً وَ ثَلاَثاً وَ ثَلاَثِينَ تَحْمِيدَةً وَ ثَلاَثاً وَ ثَلاَثِينَ تَسْبِيحَةً.

‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon them both) asked Fatimah (peace be upon her) to seek an assistant (for household chores) from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his family). She went to him and said: “O Messenger of Allah! Indeed, the hand-mill has cut through my hands – and she opened up her hands and showed the damage of the hand-mill on them. Thus, she asked him for an assistant to help (around the house).

The Messenger of Allah said to her, ‘Shall I teach you something which will be better than the world and that which is contained within it? When you get ready to go to sleep, recite ‘Allahu Akbar’ 34 times; ‘Alhamdulillah’ 33 times and ‘Subhana Allah’ 33 times.”1
2. The Tasbih Is Better Than A Servant

In the book, Da’aimul Islam, it has been narrated by Imam ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib ('a) that: “One of the non-’Arab kings gave the Prophet a slave as a gift. I told Fatimah to approach the Prophet and ask him for a helper for herself (for work around the house). Fatimah Az-Zahra’ went to the Prophet of Allah and put forward the request.

The Prophet replied to her: ‘My dear Fatimah! Should I give you something which is better than a servant and even better than everything that is in this world? After the Salat, recite ‘Allahu Akbar’ 34 times; ‘Alhamdulillah’ 33 times and ‘Subhana Allah’ 33 times, and end it by saying ‘La Ilaha Illa Allah’ once. This will be better than what you are asking for - in fact, it is better than the world and all that is in it!’”

Thereafter, Fatimah ('a) engaged in reciting this after every Salat and it is for this reason that it is attributed to her and has become well- known as the tasbih of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ ('a).
3. Secret Of The Tasbih

In the hadith of the A’immah ('a), there is a great deal of emphasis on reciting this effective tasbih of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ ('a).

Perhaps one of the secrets behind the merits of reciting this tasbih is as has been mentioned in a hadith in which we are told that a man came to Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq ('a) and asked him: “What is the secret behind the Ka’bah having four rukn (corners) and it being cubic square (in shape)?”

The Imam replied, “It is because the Baitul Ma’mur has four rukn.”

The person then asked, “Why does the Baitul Ma’mur have four rukn?”
The Imam said, “Because the ‘Arsh has four rukn.”

The man further asked: “Why does the ‘Arsh have four rukn?”

The Imam replied: “Due to the fact that every ‘Arsh is dependent upon (or made firm by) the rukn (as its supports). The first of these is Allahu Akbar; the second is Subhnallah; the third is Alhamdulillah and the fourth is La Ilaha Illa Allah.”

This hadith also means that whatever is in this material world has a secret which is linked to the spiritual realms.
With this hadith in mind, if the Prophet (S) taught this tasbih to Fatimah Az-Zahra’ ('a) and attributed her name to it, and if Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq ('a) said that: “For us, to recite this tasbih is better than 1,000 Rak’at of Salat” then it means that this tasbih has the ability to take a person up to the ‘Arsh of Allah (SWT)!
Perhaps it is for this reason that some of the conditions for the tasbih are that: one should face the Qiblah, and be in a state of Wudu’ while engaged in its recitation.

The tasbih, just like the Salat, also has the power to spiritually uplift a person. If one makes a sincere intention to recite these three important dhikr, and ends it off with the recitation of ‘La Ilaha Illa Allah’, then could he see other than Allah (SWT) as Great and Powerful, or would he even think of praising anyone other than Him?

Therefore, with the passing of time and the continuous recitation of this tasbih, such a person will have very few chances of going astray because he has taken hold of something which has nothing stronger to it, and he has grasped onto the ‘Arsh of Allah (SWT)!
We ask Allah (SWT) that He gives us - His sinful servants - the ability to reach His ‘Arsh and hold onto the firmest of all handles!
4. Reason For The Legislation Of This Tasbih

As we know, the Messenger of Allah (SWT) taught his daughter Fatimah Az-Zahra’ ('a) some forms of remembrance of Allah (SWT) which should be recited after every Salat and also at the time of going to sleep, which is now commonly known as the tasbih of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ ('a). The late ‘Allamah Muhammad Baqir Majlisi has stated: “The reason for the legislation of this tasbih, as has been narrated by the Imamayah scholars and others, is just as the Commander of the Faithful, ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib ('a) has stated that: ‘Once when I saw the great troubles and difficulties which Fatimah Az-Zahra’ was going through in the household duties and also since I had been given the information that the Muslims had brought some war captives which were taken as spoils of war, I said to Fatimah, ‘Why don’t you go to your father and ask him for a helper for the chores around the house? Such a person will help you out and through this, some of your efforts and energies could be spread to someone else?’

The daughter of the Prophet went to her father, however noticed that a group of people were sitting with him. Fatimah did not put her request forth to her father and rather, proceeded home.

The Prophet (S) noticed that his daughter had come to him for something which must have been important to her and thus, early the next morning, the Prophet went to the house of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ and asked her why she had come over to see him the previous day.


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