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the sun will rise from the west

Posted: 11 Jan 2005, 13:01
by Hussaini
Got this message in my Inbox, do you guys think it authentic ..

The science of astronomy states that the speed of planet Mars has been decreasing in its course toward the eastern direction in the few past weeks to the level we notice the "waver" between the east and the west..and on Wednesday the 30th of July the planet movement stopped going toward the eastern direction..Then in the months of August and September...Mars changed its course in the opposite direction to the
West- and that until the end of September..which means the sun will rise now from the west on Mars!! And this weird phenomena of the opposite movement called "Retrograde Motion" Most scientist state that all the planets will go through the same once at least and our planet Earth is one of them. Planet Earth will move in the opposite direction some day and the sun will rise from the west!! This might occur soon and we are un aware! The rise of the sun from the west is mentioned in the hadith and this is the major sign of the day of judgment, most if not All! , the minor signs have occured. Wake up.

Our beloved messenger Mohamed (Peace Be Upon Him) said: "One of the signs of the
hour..the sun will rise from the west, where no longer tauba (forgiveness) will be
granted" !!

mars in retrograde motion

Posted: 11 Jan 2005, 20:27
by Muntazir Manji
salam alaikum hussaini,

The sign that the sun will rise from the west is certainly true, as it appears in many hadith. I came across an article on the internet "Physics of judgment day". The author has tried to explain whats going to happen on that day.

There are numerous other articles on this theory of retrograde motion that our planet will experience one day. Therefore, scientifically we can say that the retrograde motion will take place.

As far as mars is concerned, i dont know if it is already experiencing that. Maybe we should chek out sources. wouldnt that be on the news though? considering the immense interesrt that everyone has on mars!

Nevertheless, look for that article, a must to read! ofcourse the author may have made mistakes, because the exact proceeding of that day are int he knowledge of Allah only.

If you come across anything interesting, let us know please.

Wassalaam. Muntazir Manji

Posted: 29 Jan 2005, 11:28
by abuali

Has anyone come across a book called (if my memory serves me right) Qayamate-Sagheera or Qayamate-Sughra ....which lists all the signs of the last age....

I am looking for this book if anyone has a copy...

Do let us know what you find out about this Retrogade motion as far as mars is concerned.

Is it what would have happened, when the sun came up again from the West so that Imam Ali can perform his prayers?

reply to hasin.. sun from the west

Posted: 30 Jan 2005, 20:36
by Muntazir Manji

well the book is called Qayamate sughra, i'm also looking for it actually, so hasin in case you lay ur hands on the book, please pass it on.

As far the sun rising from the west for imam ALi (as) to pray, i dont know what would have happened, but id not relate it to retrograde motion. BEacuse i believe that phenomenon is dependent on certain conditions such as the time factor, energy and all that. But Allah knows best.

Those who are interested in readin about imam al asr, ie imam zamana, i recommend a book called WHEN THE TIME COMES by K. AZARMI (i have a copy) and there is a book by Sheikh Ebrahim Amini in Tabligh. worth reading those books.

I have exams comeing up, as soon as they finish, inshallah i'll post some of the info i came across about the imam. ver interesing stuff.

Till then, cheers. kh.


Posted: 31 Jan 2005, 23:55
by abuali
Alaykum Salaam

All the very best for your exams.

We will all await more information regarding Imame Zamana that you have come across. And maybe, once you are done with exams, you can lend me the book.

In the meanwhile, my prayers are with you for your exams.