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The decision to marry is one of great importance. How early should this decision be made? How early is too early? And everythign else about marriage
Beheshti wrote:Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Based on obligatory precaution, one should refrain from marrying a woman whose notorious for adultery, unless she has repented. Similarly, based on obligatory precaution, the adulterer should not marry the woman with whom he committed adultery, unless she has repented. (A Code of Practice For Muslims in the West, Marriage, General Rules, Rule no. 397)

http://www.sistani.org/local.php?module ... 3&pid=2799

I was just revisiting this topic when a few bulbs switched on :idea:

'notorious for adultery': does not necessarily mean a prostitute. perhaps if you could get the original arabic word used we could make more sense out of it. I think this refers to ordinary women who are perhaps known to have adulterous behavior.

If you notice, this Q&A is from A Code of Practice For Muslims in the West, Marriage, General Rules, Rule no. 397. In the west, sexuality has become excessively misused in various forms. Thinking along those lines, one can understand what the Aga must have meant by 'notorius for adultery'

'unless she has repented': speaks volumes!!!

Repentance: Is asking for forgiveness from Allah (SWT) after first realizing that what one has done or was doing was wrong and a sin, then making a commitment NEVER to repeat it again, and then finally asking for forgiveness with khuloos and with tears.

This would mean that even if the woman was a prostitute before, she has repented and is no longer one.

my two cents

The fatwa says if one cannot find a girl for muta he can do it with a prostitute.

There are harms to this but they can be avoided like std`s.

The idda period will be applicable but if she doesnt do idah, well then thats her problem isnt it?
for doing nikah instead of muta.....maybe the guy has a problem doing nikah so mutah would be the next option.....thats why the option of muta is there.

Ayatollah Sistani has given his ruling stating its based on OBLIGATORY PRECAUTION, that means one can refer to another mujtahid.

I think everyone is saying its morally wrong, which it kinda is but according to sharia its allowed provided the conditions of mahr and time are fixed as well as the woman being ahle kitab etc.
True, Mazhar, a prostitute would be "notorious for adultery", but the phrase that follows "unless she has repented" clarifies the issue.
Here is the way i understand the fatwa...

The obligatory precaution is to refrain from mutah when the woman is notorious for adultery and the "unless she repented" bit means, according to my understanding , that the obligatory precaution does not matter at all since the woman will have repented and thus she wont be "notorious for adultery" anymore.
i still think 'notorious for adultery' does not refer to a prostitute. a prostitute would be 'known for adultery'

'notorious for adultery' refers to women who may not have such a good reputation in society
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim

Salaamun ‘aleykum warahmatullah

Dear Beheshti, I would like to apologize for not responding to your mail on time.

As per your question, without getting too much into details and explanations which if necessary I will provide in time, says “Mutah with a Prostitute… Is it permissible?”

There are explanations that can be given through many authentic sources in details from the Kitaab and from the Sunnah (p.b.u), but the answer to your question in itself doesn’t need pondering as the human mind will automatically deny it.

The following needs to be understood well before getting into a long conversation:

1. What is Mutah in absence of and why is it required?
2. With whom is it appropriate with and why?
3. What are the responsibilities and consequences?

And… it goes on…

Once understood these every doubt would be clear.

There needs a detailed explanation on the verses and hadithes so one needs to do a little more research.

One should not hesitate if part from the above needs to be more clarified.

Was Salaamun ‘aleykum warahmatullah
Agha Khamenai allows it I think..... !
jst refer to his fatwa online u can get it... !

Its a mind bogling doing mutah with someone as low as a prostitute... keeping aside all the diseases.
I really think one needs to ponder over it with an independent wisdomful mind
Last edited by smak786110 on 30 Dec 2011, 09:20, edited 1 time in total.

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