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The decision to marry is one of great importance. How early should this decision be made? How early is too early? And everythign else about marriage
Community, ethnically?[/quote]

Not really, i meant as in someone who isn't a Shia. If i say ethnic that includes Hindus who r Indians as i am, so to narrow it down i meant to say Shia community!!!
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By Zaheer
why do u come up with these type of questions :roll:
By FatemaC
I knew you had a comment for me!!! U wanna know why? Because i live in the west, and i come across these kind of relations everyday, that is why i wanna know what Islam has to say about that!!! Okay? Or you were looking for another answer???????
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By Muhammad Mahdi
390 A Muslim man is allowed to marry a Christian or a Jewish woman in temporary marriage. Based on precaution, it is obligatory to refrain from marrying a non-Muslim woman in permanent marriage.
A Muslim man is not allowed to marry, neither permanently nor temporarily a non-Muslim woman who is not among Ahlul Kitab. Based on obligatory precaution, a Muslim man must refrain from marrying a Zoroastrian woman, even temporarily.
As for a Muslim woman, she is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim man at all.
A code of Practice for Muslims of the west
By FatemaC
OMG... why women??? Anyways Thanks
By ramzan
why is it that islam discriminates women? men are allowed to marry outside religion y not women?
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By abuali
Islam does not discriminate women.

Islam empowers women.

A quick perusal through history will put this fact straight. A look at the pre-islamic practices both in Dark Arabia and the even Darker-west will give us all goose bumps.

When Allah calls a Man, Rahmat lil A-alameen, it is no small matter.

Till today, Islam empowers women and helps them fight abuse (in many forms including being used as an object to sell merchandise and please men).

Men are not allowed to marry outside religion. Only ahl Kitab based on very strict conditions. Apart from this fact, the responsibility of such a a marriage which comes with the right is even greater.

Islam is never the problem. its only our interpretation (or mis-interpretation)
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By sadika
well said hasin
If a Muslim is only allowed to marry a Muslim, then, it’s worth thinking about what makes one a Muslim. Does being born in a Muslim family make me a Muslim? What if I don’t fulfill ALL five pillars? What if someone, who is not a Muslim, fulfill all five pillars?

Allah chooses for everyone to be born in a Muslim or Non-Muslim family. May be there is a purpose for it.

If a man marries out of community, he brings/adds a person to his community. If a woman marries out of community, she is considered in her husband's community. May be that's why men are allowed to marry out of community.
You have made a very important point Avani

Being born a Muslim does not necessarily make a man/woman a follower of Islam. Islam is a choice and a way of life.

Born-muslims and born-nonmuslims alike have to make such a decision sometime in their lives. And each are just as responsible for their actions as the other (unless they live in a secluded ancient rain forest community, cut off from civilization and hence unaware of the word of Allah).

But just as you pointed being muslim is following the laws set by Allah. The laws of marriage are from Allah and should be followed like all other laws for a person to be a true muslim.

Hence it is not true that Allah chooses for everyone to be born a Muslim or Non-Muslim, for we are all born humans. Yes our environment affects our thinking, but this effect is not as strong as we may believe especially in this age and time when information exchange is at fingertips and ideas travel faster than bush-fire.

The nature of family life is such that the man is suited to be the head of the family. Like you mentioned that, together with other aspects of how a man is (as opposed to a woman) may be the reason why (among maybe many other reasons)
Just to make my last point clearer,

Normaly it is the man and his beliefs that will affect and direct the family (wife and children)

That is perhaps one of the reasons why women are not allowed to marry outside the faith.

Also, men can only marry ahl kitab in temporary marriage i.e mutah. Which means that this provision has been given in accordance with the provisions of mutah
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