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The decision to marry is one of great importance. How early should this decision be made? How early is too early? And everythign else about marriage

At what age should a man get married?

Before he reaches 20
Between 20 and 25
After 25
By ÂºÂ§Ã£mihåº
Salaams, well i agree wid wht u sed (keep smiling) really dno whu u are.. anyways its true when lukin for a better spouse u need to keep certain stuff in ur mind which is… if ur interest are common, ur thgts match and if ya feel she is de right gurl to get married 2…i don think arrange marriage wud b a prob, as far as u get to naw everythn bout the gurl and de family she belongs too…many people who had arranged marriages seem to work out…all marriages hav no guarantee dat de will last 4eva, so its like 50/50 chance of makin it, its upto u both if u understand each others n can go on wid ur lif smoothly.

Some don blv in arrange marriage, de feel its like fallin into a black hole wid no light and preparation, but in love they feel tht de r prepared for it n u hav light 2 lead u and that light is no othr den lov itself. sum feel arranged marriages r scary… as u dn really naw de person in real… nor mor into hr habits, likes or dislikes, dats why many people do prefer for love marriage. well dats ma opinion..well u can surly comment on dis.. peace!
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By saleha
salaams everyone...

hot discussion is goin on here ei...well i think every1's rite accordin to their point of view...if u go to see abt arranged marriages n so called love marriages...i don think ther's anything rong with it...so called love marriage i mean a guy n gurl knowin each other..n like samiha said knowin each other's likes n dislikes...its not rong either....ok it mite be some people's mentality...that if a guy n girl like each other from before n know everything abt each other..they might have nothing to know abt after engagement or something like it....but i think tht is very wrong...u always get to learn new things abt a person everyday..n even if u do know everything i dont think someone wud get bored..bcoz there is something like mutual understanding btwn them..n if they really r meant to b made for each other...tht love btwn them will always grow day by day becoming stronger n stronger...marriage is a vast subject with no limits lol...we'll discuss abt it the whole life..yet we'll b getting confused...to those who're married..who r engaged n those who're planning to get engaged..never take marriage as a big responsibility that u forget to enjoy ur life...i am not saying its not a resposibility..it is..but take it in such a way that u lead a happy life n not something like o my god now what..m gona get married i'll b having soo many responsibilities...ure gonna miss out the fun in it...so enjoy life n take marriage positively;)..
By ÂºÂ§Ã£mihåº
hey saleeha.. ur absolutely right... i likd de way u think...well sumtimes we make mistakes n we learn,hopefully frm dos mistakes later in life not 2 repeat de same mistake, but if the mistake u made was causd by otha people den you, den ur neva goin to move on from tat n u will spend most of ur life blamin dos pipo tat pushed u or were de caus of U gettn into arrange marriage... so i prfer better marryn sum1 whum u naw... and wid whm ur ready to spend ur lif wid... love n understandin are pretty impo ingredients in any marriage..!
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By abuali
To be able to fairly and logically decide on the age old debate of love marriage vs arrange marriage (semi-arranged marriage is a better term to use because it involves investigating about one another thoroughly before agreeing to marry- and therefore its not totally 'blind' marriage), we should first all agree over the understanding we have of the word 'love'.

Youths tend to use the word 'love' extravagantly. But what is love?

Is love what Romeo and Juliet had (i.e the romantic version of Shakespeare...or shakespearean love)

Or is it what Imam Ali(AS) and Bibi Fatima(AS) had? Or what Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and Bibi Khadija had?
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By Sayyeda
Hmm ofcourse Hasin, The actual meaning of Love is showed to us by our Imams and Prophets!

According to me, the appropriate time for marriage is when both the girl and the guy are matured enough and both of them are ready to take up the responsibilties which comes along their way!
Quoting age for marriage doesn't sound appropriate to me just as someone on this forum had mentioned that you could be young and yet be matured enough!

And about the marriage being Love or semi-arranged, it all depends... If a girl and guy love each other and would want to get married, i don't see anything wrong in it.
On the other hand we could also have arranged marriages where the future couple may not be knowing each other well, but after engagement they come to know each other and start to develop their love! (ofcourse they find out about each other before getting engaged).

Getting married is a life time devotion to one person and only one. So this step has to be taken carefully. However it is quite sad to see that some marriages in our community dont last long, some reasons being that either of the couple weren't loyal enough to the other!

As Saleha mentioned, we could talk about it endlessly as different issues get raised. But from my point of view, I think one should get married when one is ready for it and not just because everyone else is getting married...

I read this somewhere...
1st year of marriage: The wife speaks and the husband listens.
2nd year of marriage: The husband speaks and the wife listens.
3rd year of marriage: Both of them speak and the neighbours listen!!!
LOL it aint neccesarily true... (just adding some humour along the way)
Assalamun Alaikum.
Every individual in this world has a different way of thinking, one says this and the other says the opposite.. It is never similar in every way and tht's for a fact! Today as a modern world, everyone has their own goals and way to live their life. As sister Sajida said tht u shud ask questions to the guy who proposes u such as; why he loves u n how? Wel, i agree with the questioning because its the matter of ur life right? U have the rights to ask the person why he loves u and m sure the person wil b happy n proud to answer them. Discussing the matter with ur parents? Well i think its a way better idea to do so rather thn making it a private relationship n breaking ur parent's trust on u!
Feelings n Emotions. Wel everyone has feelings n emotions but not everyone goes for Engagement or Muttah, do they? If tht was the case thn Engagement n Muttah wud b a major solution for havin feelings n emotions for ur needs n desires right? Engagements would end up breaking and both girls and boys would loose their virginity and tht would be a major issue in our Shia Muslim community. Having a feeling doesn't mean u shud get engaged and hav muttah, no! Engagement is the 1st step where two individuals get more time time to spend together and get to knw each other .. Its the time where u correct ur mistakes, accept and get used to ur partners habits and wants, build a better way to trust, belive n understand each other and not to break the engagement if u find ur partned has a habit of watchin soccer 24/7, No.. U should share ur thoughts and understand each other so tht u shud take ur 1st level to another which v call it Marriage!
Education after marriage is not easy! Yes, it is possible but not easy! Responsibilites and soo much more takes place in ur life after getting married thn hw do u expect getting married and studying at the same time? Y cant v just get through with the studies and do whtever we want to later? Wht wil happen is tht, wil get engaged, start focusing on our different life and avoid studying.. Later on whn u have messed ur education life n u break ur engagement which God should never do so, but if it happens, whoz life wil b messed? Obviouslly ur's rite? Thn whts soo important, ur feelings or ur life? Feelings wil always b there in ur life, wether u like it o not! But life? There's atleast one thing in life everyday which u experience something new! If ur still a teenager, it is advisable not to fall in any kind of relationship because later on u might find sumthin new which u would like to replace it with ur past life.. U might as wel regret why u dedicated ur life to someone while u have soo much ahead to experience! I might be wrong in some ways but as wel right in other.. If ur a teenager, live a life like a teenager and dont try to be soo matured.. Whn ur matured, u wont b able to live ur life like a teenager and you wil aldreay be soo matured to be more matured!
I said the way i think.. Its ur turn to correct me if m wrong or explain me stuff..
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By saleha
well muntazir ure not rong...frm ur point of view..everyone's got a diff. way of thinkin..so everyone's gona have their ideas n views..as for wat u said abt studyin after marriage..i know its not an easy thing to do..but now if u go to see in the modern era..both the husband n wife r understandin..n they both do study after marriage...mayb it might be a problem for the wife..coz she's got the house to look after n stuff..but thn its not tht hard either...but thn a gurl mite not b able to study as well after gettin married...so she kud always discuss it b4 gettin married abt her studies...n they can always come up with a soln..but if u really go to see...these days every1 has attained a certain level of studies..its not like after o-levels or a-levels they aint doin nethin...they do study to a certain point..n i don think tht toooo much imp. shud be given to education after marriage tht the responsibilities r forgoten...m not saying don give imp. to education...give imp. to it..but at the same time responsibilities shudnt be forgoten..thts the way i think....pls feel free to give in ur views...
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By Umm.aly
I agree with Brother Muntazir on the fact that a teenager should enjoy his/her life.. u will never get that time ever again.. so y try n mess it up by thinking about issues like love n relationships?
perhaps the later yrs of teenage like 18 - 19 if ur'e interested in getting married, u can strt looking for a spouse, but i belive its gud to concentrate on your studies, coz you wud never get the golden oppurtunity of not having any worries at all (except exams!) but then again, the argument comes, that the longer u wait, the more inclined you will be to haraam acts..

Another point i would like to put forth is that, b4 marriage there is no concept of "love" at all.. true love comes only after a man n woman have been united by marriage, for Allah (SWT) puts the love between them then..
"And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves, mates that you may dwell (inclined) unto them, and caused between you love and compassion: Verily in this are signs for a people who reflect " (30:21)
'The wonderful love between (man and woman) i.e. (husband and wife) is the Grace of God' (S.V.Mir Ahmed Ali)

What you term as love (b4 marriage), perhaps cud be defined as attraction, infatuation or perhaps liking of a person..
You definately need to like a person you are going to marry, and feel that you are compatible with each other, coz as Sayyeda says, its a lifetime committment.. and engagement does sound like the best time to come to know one another..

A question that i have been thinking bout.. HOW LONG SHOULD THE ENGAGEMENT PERIOD LAST?(b4 getting married that is) less then a yr; say 6 months? 1 year? or more then a yr? [i belive sometimes due to circumstances the engagement gets prolonged (Probably if the guy is frm abroad and the girl local) but if no hindrance occurs, then how long?]

Somtimes we see that after a very short engagement, the couple rush headlong into marriage, but later on the marriage is on the rocks..
other times we see a loooooong engagement, but which ends up being dissolved :? so wat wud be the ideal engagement period?
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By Tayyaba
Salaam Alaikum

well in my point of view i think the period btwn engagment and marraige should be for min 6 months and max 1 yr..
And situation bout education after marraige...hmm...if we go and see these days, all recently married couples have a situation where as both the husband and the wife are studin...well...some work out and some dont, coz that all depends on the couple itself...how u understand and how you want to live your life...
and i totally agree with brother Muntazir as he has pointed out very good points...

Wasalaam.. :)
Assalamun Alaikum..
Its soo great to see hw ppl ask questions and hw everyone is soo concerned about this topic.. Its always advisable to learn more on something b4 doing it..

This topic is soo interesting tht m totally focused innit, share the way how i think n more but i've noticed sumthin tht Girls r the only one's who r really concerned and care about this issue n not guys.. This is another point for girls which means tht Girls shud b really taking care on such issues bcuz guys dont give a to n e thing.. ! I hav hardly seen or lets say "NOT" seen n e guy arnd here.. Y? Because they might b taking things easily, "ahh will see whtever happens, i don need to discus , al jus go by the flow" Right? I dono, this is wht i think.. Girls r jus soo active on such issues, they like to solve their problems and look for a solution to their confusion.. Making things easy for themselves n alot more but guys do not giv a .. All we think is about cars, money, girls and partying! Its dumb! Talking about marriage is a way different thing thn n e other bcoz it helps n makes things easy for ourselves by getting the right answers to our questions!

N e way, the time difference betw Engagement n Marriage depends on some few things tht the couple need to t.c of.. But b4 tht, y do v hav such long gap betw these 2? Its bcuz this method was used for Arrange Marriages so tht u shud get to knw ur life partner well n stuff but these days there's Love marriage! Thn y do v hav the same method goin on? Its bcoz as i said, " modern world " Ppl need to see their financial position, they spend too much money on their Engagement n go bankcrupt so they ask for some time to make money for their Marriage and later whn they're ready for their marriage, they get even more bankcrupt by spending money into nothing but uselss stuff! Lol.. Its too funny.. Some say they need the gap so as to see if they can really spend their life with the person they're goin to! Isn't tht stupid? Wel its ok to hav a gap in betw but it shudn't b tht long.. As i think, there shud b a simple engagement n after a while, marriage.. Coz never knw hw ppl think these days, in tht short or long period they might as wel look for another person to flirt with ! So as i think, there shudn't b soo much gap in betw eng n marr.. 2,3 months is okk.. Wht do ya'll think?
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By Sajida
Well i think the best period for engagement should be decided by the couple themselves..tho i find what tayyaba said correct..6 months to 1 yr shud b enuf..
muntazir when you said that engagement doesn't need mutah..lemme tell u this as a matter of fact,a guy will not stay without touching the girl in this period..lets be frank here,and that becomes haraam if they are NOT in mutah,and that is why i suggested mutah too..
Yes engagements might break,but tht also solely depends on how the girl and the boy understand each other dont u think so?
Studying after marriage aint easy,but well where there's a will theres a way,i c so many married women studying peacefully,thr shud be understanding btwn the guy and the girl for the responsibilities after marriage and i think things should work out that way...
Muntazir u also said that guys think abt cars,partying n all that..true enuf guys do not think on an emotional basis as girls do,they differ alot,but i think its high time the guys shud try changing,coz some guys just end up destroying the girls life ntg else,im not saying girls are angels..no..but guys do end up doing that,i mean m not pointing at anyone,but as u mentioned the above of what guys usually think,noones tellin them no to think abt tht..but everything has a limit right?:)
What say?
Feel free to comment :D
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By Muntazir
Assalamun Alaikum..
Wel Sister Sajida, lemme tel u sumthin.. Everyone has their own desires, its naturally built in everyone, someone who says tht he or she doesn't hav desires, i dont think so.. Its funny..

U say tht "a guy wil nat stay without touching the girl at the engagement period o whtever" Wel i don agree with u at all if ur pointing out to EVERY GUY!! .. Let me tel u some.. All guys aren't the same! Some r diff n sum r really perverted! Aite? Whn u say, guys cannot stay without touching a gurl, fine, but at the same time, whn does a guy start touching a gurl n y wud he do tht? Whn the gurl her self lets the guy touch her or even if she doesn't let him touch her and if he forces or tries to, she can always ask him to stop or wht so ever right? If u fail to do so n let him touch u thn who is involved in Haraam stuff? The guy or the gurl?
Lets b really frank n not jus frank it self.. I agree with ur statement tht sumtyms guys do really act perverted, i do agree but at the same time girls sometimes do think way beyond tht..! M not pointing out to every girl or every guy, no.. All m saying is tht some girls n sum guys r like tht naturally n its not tht u shud jus let them do whtever they wanna with u right? U always hav the right to say sumthin! Dont think m rude but wht u said was like as if ur pointing out to every guy which is nat true at all.. I even wrote tht if its poss thn i think there shud b only a diff of 2, 3 months betw eng n marr n this was the other reason for tht..

Whn u start a relationship, get engaged n there's soo much more going on in betw u two like building trust n understanding etc etc n u guys understand each other soo much n whn someone tries to break the law, wudn't u tel him or her to realise their mistakes? Obviouslly u wud n he o she wud understand definately n the relationship wud go stronger right? Its not must tht a guy o gurl wud get into Haraam stuff in tht period, it all depends on both of u! If one tries to break the law, make em realise, if not thn ur involved innit too! Hope i explained clearly but if m stil wrong thn ad like u to say somethin on it..

Another thing tht u said was "its high time the guys shud try changing" Well a guy wil always remain as a guy.. As i think, if a guy changes, its bcuz of the gurl! Girls hav the power to change a guy from a bad person to a good one if only the guy has bad habits.. I hav noticed tht alot in us.. But tht only happens if the guy really cares about u or about him self to realise n change! Mark my words.. If ur really in any relationship wid a guy, n if u try changing him, if he does change thn he really cares bout u n him self but if he doesn't thn m sorry, the guy is jus messin arnd wid u n him self.. Try it out on a good guy friend of ur's.. Not every guy has a bad habit n so sumtyms ud fail to change him, tht mite hav a reason such as u ur self might b involved in sumthin bad tht he doesn't like so try to change ur self n thn change ur friend! M not sayin tht ur bad or u got bad habits.. Aite.. Don think sumthin diff..

U even said guys end up destroyin gurls life right? Wel i bring the same words, whn wud a guy do sumthin really bad to a gurl? Whn the gurl her self lets the guy do the act.. Try to think on this.. Ur the Master of ur self, u can defend ur self thn do u think a guy can destroy ur life? If u protect ur self, be really strict on such matters thn i don think n e guy wud even dare look at u! But yea, if u mak ur self look cheap infront of guys thn i don think u can save ur self.. A girls reputation is everything to her, its like her life, once the rep is gone, the life is messed! U keep up the rep, u keep up ur name.. My guarantee.. No one wud even dare look at u.. But if u act all nice to the guys thn its ur own mistake.. Its like, u knw if u act all tht nice to sum guy, he wud approach u n stuff, if u see him somewhere n go upto him n say hello, he wud do the same next time he sees u! If u wont wear a hijab, its too clear for u to knw tht the guys wil stare at u thn y do u stil do them? (Once again, m not pointing to n e one..) Its too clear.. Its ur own life, not the guy's.. But let me say sumthin which is a fact now adays.. Girls do not really care about Hijab n e more.. N its true, n u knw tht! Some girls do not put on hijab at all n majority of them wear chaddar's which r almost open as if ur wearin a coat.. It aint right.. This is a way which attracts guys mostly n start to think negetive..
Inshallah God wil guide us on the right path..

Please do not take me wrong in n e way..
Thank u..
Allah hafidh..
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By Tanveer
According to me,I think we humanbeings besides being the best of creations are the worst of thinkers.The logical point that I can see is that it is not possible for any 2 situations to be the same.For someone,early marriage may be the best thing on earth whereas on the other hand,for another,it is the worst thing.For someone,a Love marriage may have worked out yet for another,a Love relation for 5yrs when followed by marriage,is a total failure.For someone,an arranged marriage is the most successful and for another....a flop.So we cannot argue on when is the best time for getting married.You have to make sure you have proper education...which is not necesary only before marriage...if families agree then a guy who has just finished form 6 can get married and both the now husband and wife can continue with their education.For someone,studying after marriage is not an appealing thought as they want to have "FUN" after marriage whereas other couples are studying after marriage and they really enjoy doing it.There have been cases when the guy is not educated at all but he has involved himself into such a thing which has proved to be very successful for him.Education definitely brings about maturity but sometimes,expereience gives you double maturity!!I am not opposing the fact that its not necessary for a guy or a girl to be educated...what i'm trying to say here is that we cannot go on arguing that this particular age is the best...or the guy shud be having a Phd....or a girl must have masters...NO! What i am trying to inject into my own head n that of the others is that....everything depends on the situatuion,the circumstances....not all guys are the same...not all girls are the same...not all families are the same....everybody is not lucky neither is anybody unlucky nor are all the situations n circumstances the same.We dont want to see the best in the situations we are in.We are so used to finding faults in everything that now we have even stopped thinking correctly.We should analyse the issues.It all depends on the situation.
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By abuali
I must at the foremost applaud all of you...for coming up with all the points and all the issues that are eventually faced by Youths on the road to Marriage. The first step to solutions, is definitely identifying the problems.

I have been following the discussions closely, and I feel it very neccessary to point out the following:-

1. 'Love before Marriage' is Haraam! Here I am referring to the 'Love' that leads to what we normally call 'Love Marriage'.

We all know and understand well, that no one can fall in 'Love' without knowing each other very VERY well. If someone claims to be in 'Love' without knowing that person well, then I am inclined to believe, like Muhaddisa mentioned, that it is more likely to be infatuation, attraction, maybe lust...but not 'Love'.

I wanted to spotlight on this issue in this forum. Thats why I raised the question of what is 'Love' in an earlier post under this forum. If Love is what the Holy Prophet(SAW) and Bibi Khadija(may god be pleased with her) had for each other, then how can one 'fall' in Love before Marriage?

And if one sincerely falls in 'Love' before marriage, then we can safely assume that he and she have been very CLOSE to each other. And being close (be it, being romantic to each other, being alone together without a thrid person, holding hands, etc) are all haraam. And its logical to assume that something that one begins in Haraam shall not be very successful.

On the other hand, the concept I mentioned of 'Semi-arranged ' marriages refers to the other side of the coin.

For example, a man and woman know each other since for example, they were in the same class or the same school. I will repeat the sentence that they KNOW each other. What I mean is, since they were in the same school, they know what the other person is like, maybe even their likes and dislikes, and their habits. This knowledge about the other person comes about due to observing the person and his/her actions.

The man (or woman for that matter) if decide that they may want to marry that person (as they see the characteristics which they like), then he/she would talk to his/her parents, who would then inquire further about the girl/boy, and if all goes well, the proposal would be taken to the other side. The other family would then research further about the boy/girl....

In this case, they are not in 'Love'. But since they know each other from before, and have researched about each other further...they would be in a very good position to agree/disagree to the marriage.

Coming to 'Love' itself, Muhaddisa quoted the beautiful verse of the Holy Quran about Love.
"And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves, mates that you may dwell (inclined) unto them, and caused between you love and compassion: Verily in this are signs for a people who reflect " (30:21)
I cant help but comment that the greatest Love is that what Allah has for his creation. So much love he has for us that he is the most beneficient and the most merciful. And even greater is the Love he has for Muhammad (SAW) and Ali(AS) and the infallible Imams.Our thoughts cannot even comprehend the Love he has for us

The "Love' of a man and woman is definitely much more than what the current generation (media, people, societies etc) make of it. Infact I feel that the word 'Love' itself is being degraded and trampled upon. It is being used as a toy.

Let me try and clarify the difference between Love without marriage and the Love after marriage

before marriage : If one THINKS that he/she is in 'love' with someone, they would be on cloud nine...it would be (to him or her)
the most beautiful time of life...the reason why all these feelings would come about...is because, all that 'love' would mean then is FUN FUN FUN....without any RESPONSIBILITY whatsoever.

after marriage : both man and woman would have to handle the responsibilities marriage brings with it. Responsibility to each other and to oneself. When a person is responsible about another, TRUE LOVE is the outcome. Why do you think the love of Mothers
for their Children is sooo great? They are responsible for their children. That is Love...true Love...that develops out of responsibility...not out of physical feelings.

Ofcourse I am not saying that physical feelings and emotions are not important and should be stopped. On the contrary. I am saying that with true love, these same feelings would be more meaningful as it would leave one with Nafsul-Mutmainnah (the contented soul as mentioned in the Qur'an)...and both the physical and spiritual self would be satisfied and content.

And this true love, most definitely (99.99%) cannot develop before marriage.

And infact, I think its deadly to marry someone whom you think you 'love'. Because if you have already believed that you 'Love' him/her, it will be very hard to judge that person on other characteristics (like piety, family background etc). The result would be that one would marry him/her even despite for example that he/she is not pious at all. And that, I feel is a very big reason for the increase in divorce rates. After all how can a person, who does not care for himself or his future (hereafter), care for you and your children?

Keeping the above in mind, I think it is a very bad idea to look at engagement as a time to develop 'Love' for one another.

And if enaggement is taken to be a period when one can judge whether he/she will be able to spend the rest of their lives with the other person, then the moment (god forbid) a mistake is made on one side, the other side will immediately dissolve the engagement. (Please note that I am not saying that engagements should not be there...I am saying that if the right criteria are used, in the right way, engagement would only have to be used when there are other things which neccesitate the delay of the marriage...)

Love cannot develope while in Engagement. Yes people are very happy when they are engaged. But that feeling is not true love. Love
has yet to develop over the years. That happy feeling is what the Quran describes as attraction that has been incorporated among men and women for each other so that they may care and love one another.

Notice how the ayat is set:-

'that you may dwell (inclined) unto them' comes first'

(i.e attraction)

followed by

'and caused between you love and compassion:'

(i.e love develops)

and the beauty of the meaning of these verses is reflected in the part saying :-

'Verily in this are signs for a people who reflect' (30:21)

(my understanding of this is that it refers to the lawful ways of developing that 'attraction' into true Love)

Although I know that we all know this well, I am inclined to mention it just in case. Any sort of relationship between man and woman that is Haraam normally is also haraam after engagement (this includes being together alone without a third person who can see you, holding hands, being romantic etc). Unless ofcourse they have entered into the Muta contract.

And while on the topic, Muta can be entered upon, for example, with the intention and agreement of only making 'talking to each other' halaal.

Yes, conditions can be set in muta where the man and woman can talk to each other freely and fullstop. Hence, in this case, anything apart from talking would still be haraam. If I am not mistaken, Ayatullah Khomeini (may God be pleased with him) during his sickness before he departed for the better world, only allowed the nurse to inject him after they entered into the Muta' contract.

As for the issue of who is more inclined to discuss this topic and who, the man or woman, is in the wrong for all the problems before and after engagement...the Quran is very clear about it....
"O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (49:13).
Men and women are equal in the eyes of God, the difference in status is due to the difference in piety.

So there are 'black sheep' on both the sides. But at the end of the day, we have the choice! We cannot let ourselves be pulled into degrading ourselves infront of Allah (SWT)

May Allah (SWT) forgive our sins and help us to the right path.

And God knows best...
Last edited by abuali on 03 Nov 2004, 01:54, edited 1 time in total.
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By Sajida
Salaams muntazir,
Yes everyone has desires and EMOTIONS,i did not deny to that,and yes not having that sounds to be pretty abnormal to me
Yes im not saying girls are angels muntazir,i did not defend the girls here,i only mentioned guys and probably that way you thought im defending the girls,yes the girls can behave,they have to,if the guy forces her she can always say no,but if she fails to do so,u asked who is at fault?its NOT only the girl,both are at fault,the guy for doing it,the girl for not saying no to it.There are two sides to a coin,not only the girl is wrong there...!
Girls have rights n so do guys,i dont say no to that,but trust me guys think they have the power always and that makes it difficult for a girl to say anything,she just takes it sometimes coz she cares abt the guy so much,let me make this clear m not pointin at anyone here,coz u take me rong then..sorry for that!
After getting engaged,only talking is okay with the mutaah there for talking,but as a matter of fact,my views are its not possible,that the guy or the girl would not like having any physical contact,as in hugging,holding hands and all that,NOT deep probably,but the basic part is there,i have noticed myself.Well,some can be different but i knw majority do it..and tht is why i suggested mutah!I'd add to this everyone has different views.
Another thing,a guy can even change for his better not only because he cares for the girl!no way i dont believe that,ok fine a girl myt change him,n in some cases he might change for the girl,but sometimes he can try changing for his better n not depend on the girl solely...
When you said abt destroying life,its not only when a girl gives in to the guy,nop thts not true,sometimes things r going good..the girl is loyal to the guy but the guy still ends up messing,and it can be both sides,im not defending anyone here,the girl or the guy.
As for hijab i agree with you,that the girls dont do proper hijab,lemme tell u this,the men have to lower their gaze as well,why do u look at the girls in that way??Why dont the guys lower their gazes??Its both in the wrong,the girls for not doing hijab and the guys for NOT lowering their gazes.
Dont take me wrong im just giving in my ideas,u can comment on them.

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