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Syed Adeel Raza is the Resident aalim of KSIJ Dar es Salaam. He is known for his pleasant approach and language when educating the community on matters of religion and spirituality.

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By Insaan
Salaamun alyakum wr wb

Using the formula for Qasm I said,

"By the name of Allah I swear that I will not commit so and so act, and if I do so, I will fast 100 fasts."

Satan got the better of me and I broke the qasm multiple times (approximately 200-300) and it is not possible for me to keep so many fasts, what is the kaffarah for not keeping the fasts?

By my estimation 200 acts x 100 fasts = almost 80 yrs of fasting.

Can I apply the penalty of breaking qasm of 3 fasts / feed 10 people instead for each violation?
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By Syed Adeel Raza
Alaikum Salams

Answer: If a person takes an oath that he will perform an act (e.g. that he will fast) or will refrain from doing an act (e.g. that he will not smoke), but does not intentionally act according to his oath, he should give Kaffarah for it, which means he should set a slave free, or should fully feed ten indigent persons, or should provide them with clothes. And if he is not able to perform these acts, he should fast for three consecutive days.

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