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By shaziya

well ... i would appriciate it if someone would let me know why we are not allow to eat food prepared by people who are not shias and which are we allowed?????????

i posted this on the other forum but was advice to post it here

please answer!
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By Yas
It is not true that we are not allowed to eat food that is not prepared by people who are shias. If I'm not mistaken, we ARE allowed to eat food cooked by people who are "Ehle-Kitaab". i.e. people who follow a book for guidance e.g. Christains. However, I'm not too sure about hindus.

Practically it would be almost impossible to eat food only cooked by muslims, specially for muslims in the west.
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By shaziya
thanks for the quick reply but still got another qns ... "Ehle Kitab" also include christans , sunnis and jews rite? also ismailis believe in the quran not sure how much!

But if i m not mistaken all these book have been changed so how can we eat christans, jews and as for sunnis they just believe in the quran and not the ahlal bayht so wat abt them??

And for Ismailis it isthe same i think they read the quran but do not believe in all the 12 imams...wat abt food cooked by them

wat if the shop is a non muslim but the cook is???

please help me anyone!!!
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By Yas
Ismailis I think comfortably fall into the umbrella of muslims, and yes they do follow the Holy Quran. Once again let me highlight the rule of the thumb. We can eat food cooked by anyone who is from the "Ehle Kitaab", those who follow their own respective books - Jews the torah, and Christians the Bible. Hindus however, are from the mushrikeen - idol worshipers who associate others with Allah, so we can NOT eat theirs. Your point is quite valid about the books being modified, but I cannot comment on that - Ill leave it to the experts ;). So once again, muslim or non-muslim, as long as he/she is amongst the ehle kitaab is all that matters. Btw, I always stand to be corrected, and if there are any other opinions/views Id highly encourage everyone to contribute.
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By sumayya
i heard ismaili food is haram to eat because they do not bliv P.Muhammed (s.a.w) as the last prophet ..they say another prophet would come... and i also heard that many of them do shirk and associate other ppl wid god like their imams... i asked our residence sheikh and he sed if u kno they do shirk then its haraam to eat their food ... wat do u think Yas?
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By shaziya

umm... so all in all we are not allowed to eat food prepared by hindus coz the worship idols and ismailis as they practice shirk.

so in that case christans and jews also practise shirk dont they?? by not believin in tawheed

so... wat if the shop is of a non muslim though the cook is a muslim??
if we say we can eat the food then the question arises that the non - muslim who is the owner can spend the money in different ways that's the same reason we are not suppose to drink coke rite?
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By shaziya

umm... so all in all we are not allowed to eat food prepared by hindus coz the worship idols and ismailis as they practice shirk.

so in that case christans and jews also practise shirk dont they?? by not believin in tawheed

so... wat if the shop is of a non muslim though the cook is a muslim??
if we say we can eat the food then the question arises that the non - muslim who is the owner can spend the money in different ways that's the same reason we are not suppose to drink coke rite?

how come not many contributin to this topic afterall we are talkin about Food!!! :lol:

please contribute!!
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By sumayya
there is a book known as frequently asked questions on islam and u can get ur answers frm there
here r some of the questions concerning ur topic wid answers
Question:is food prepared by People of the Book -Ahl Al Kitab-permitted?
Answer:unless u can be sure tht ,halaal meat and no alcohol has been used in preparing the food ,one may only eat vegeteranian meals prepared by them.
Question:if the owner of a resturant is an unbeliever,kafir,but all his workers including those who prepare he food are Ahl Kitab or mulim,is it acceptable for us to eat there?
answer:you may eat in resturants where food is prepared by muslims and eat vegeteranian food prepared by Al al Kitab
hope these queations and answers hav answered ur question..lol
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By Muhammad Mahdi
Let me make my first post

>Eating food of ismailis is HARAM. They do shirk
>Eating food of hindus is HARAM. The do shirk
>Sunni food allowed.
>Bohora. Depends wether they curse our 7th imam or not.
>Christians allowed only if they do not belive in trinity.
>Jews allowed .

Please note that christians and jews food is allowed only if IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH
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By abuali
Muhammad Mahdi Posted: 10 Apr 2005 02:40 pm Post subject:


Let me make my first post

>Eating food of ismailis is HARAM. They do shirk
>Eating food of hindus is HARAM. The do shirk
>Sunni food allowed.
>Bohora. Depends wether they curse our 7th imam or not.
>Christians allowed only if they do not belive in trinity.
>Jews allowed .

Please note that christians and jews food is allowed only if IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH
I dont think the laws are soo extreme.

As per my knowledge Christian and Jew food is allowed at any time except for meat unless it is sacrificied in the halaal manner.

I am also aware that you are allowed to eat Ismaili food unless and until you are 100% SURE that they are doing shirk. In some parts of the world for example, Shia Ismailis have more or less the same beliefs as Shia Ithna asheris.

Do you have any references for your post above?
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By Muhammad Mahdi
A to ismailis food i asked dr Murtaza Alidina and he said eating their food is haraam and
As to christians if they believe in trinity then they do shirk (HARAAM) 8)
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By abuali
Muhammad Mahdi Posted: 16 Apr 2005 06:38 pm Post subject:


A to ismailis food i asked dr Murtaza Alidina and he said eating their food is haraam and
As to christians if they believe in trinity then they do shirk (HARAAM)

For the benefit of the general public at Ask, can you please quote your EXACT QUESTION that you psed to Dr. Alidina and his EXACT ANSWER. I am asking sdo, because in your post above you have used your own words as to what you understood from his answer.

As per my knowledge, as per Aga Sistanis fatwas, unless one is 100% sure that there is SHIRK involved, the food is not haraam. And I doubt that you or I can be 100% sure what is in another persons heart unless that person admits it to us personaly. Do you also know that saying that someone is doing shirk without being sure is Gunahe Kabeera?

As for the Christians, you have mentioned it yourself in yur post: -
As to christians if they believe in trinity then they do shirk (HARAAM)
The big questuion is IF. Once again, you and I would not be in a position to judge unless we eiother ask each one of them or they tell us willingly what is in their hearts.

Islam is a religion which is not difficult and nor is it meant to make peoples life difficult. There are several muslims who claim to be so but do shirk...so would we have to stop eating muslim food since we know some do shirk, but are not sure who they are?

Just some food for thought for everyones benefit. For mroe information please refer to your own Marja's masael.
By Reflection of Perfection
Muhammad Mahdi wrote:A to ismailis food i asked dr Murtaza Alidina and he said eating their food is haraam and
As to christians if they believe in trinity then they do shirk (HARAAM) 8)

what The above mentioned member says i true

i have ismaily friends and all of them belive aga khan as the re incarnation of imam ali and imam ali as the reincarnation of god!

somechristians belive that jesus is god and most belive he is the son ofgod

those who want to eat the najis food shold do so however they should not misguid others by saying it is halal.

And when u ask a scholar abt wat food is halaal ask him if he himself would eat the food.
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By abuali
those who want to eat the najis food shold do so however they should not misguid others by saying it is halal.

And when u ask a scholar abt wat food is halaal ask him if he himself would eat the food.
Salaam alaykum Reflection of Perfection

Thank you for your reply. My apologies for the late reply. I was a little occupied with other duties.

I am afraid you may have misunderstood my earlier posts.

Correct me if I am wrong, Did I ever mention that eating najis food is halaal? I am afraid your comment above indicates that you have interpreted my posts to mean that I have said that eating najis food is halaal. Please understand that that was NOT what I was saying.

Please lets clear this issue before I move on with another attempt at explaining what I am trying to get through.

I thought the point I was making was clear enough. Apparently, as per your reply, it seems that my point was never understood.

What I am saying is that najasat of food is not determined by the SOLE reason that one belongs to a particular religion or sect.

To illustrate this, if I have a Shia Ithna Asheri friend who is doing shirk and his belief is that of shirk and I am aware of it, then eating his food becomes Haraam for me. But if i am not aware of this fact then I am allowed to continue eating his food without doubting his beliefs.

You mention that ALL of your Ismaili friends believe the following: -
i have ismaily friends and all of them belive aga khan as the re incarnation of imam ali and imam ali as the reincarnation of god!
If you are aware of that fact then I agree with you that eating their food is haraam.

However, let me pose a question to you at this point.

If you come across an Ismaili who says the shahada and does not believe in the above belief but instead believes in the oneness (Tawhid) of Allah, would his food also be haraam? (and this is not a hypothetical question, because as to my knowledge Ismailis who have such beliefs exist in Pakistan and other places, maybe even in tanzania...correct me if I am wrong)

Without any doubt, the food of such a person would be halaal as he is not doing shirk and is a MUSLIM. So when we say that eating food of so and so sect is haraam, we are generalizing that everyone who belongs to that sect is doing shirk. Isnt that the reason that no Marj'a have generalized their fatwas in such a manner?

As to your point of misguiding others, I feel that that is very improbable because of two reasons: -

1. Everyone has their own power of intellect and will decide on whats right and wrong based on their own logic, beliefs, judgement and mainly according to their Marjae's fatwas.

2. My view does not mean that everyone has to follow it blindly. Everyone shall be accounted for their own actions and decisions.

I believe that discussions should be constructive and logical. Islam is a logical religion. Its good to understand how things work and what the laws really mean to say. My apologies if my earlier posts were posted in a manner that may have 'misguided' anyone.
somechristians belive that jesus is god and most belive he is the son ofgod
Once again you are generalizing. But again, lets assume that most do believe so, so does all christian food become haraam, even of those who do not believe so?

My earlier question to Muhammad Mahdi still stands asking him to produce the exact question and answer he had with Dr. Alidina.

I will pose another question here, What does the fatwa of Aga Seestani (may Allah give him a long and healthy life) say regarding the food of christians? Why do you think he allows it when 'most believe Jesus is son of God'?

FACT: I have met a whole church of Christians in Dar es Salaam who believe that if one believes by heart that Jesus is son of god then they are commiting Blasphemy (shirk) and they believe that the term Son of God is a general term, as we all are Sons of God.

I hope my point is clearer now.

Please do keep the discussions continuing.

Jazakallah and apologies.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
Salaamun alaykum

Hasin has asked for the exact words so here they are.

I asked Dr.Alidina,"Are we allowed to eat food of Ismailis?"
Dr.Alidina replied,"No accordinf to Ahga Seestani we aren't allowed"

Then I asked,"Are we allowed to do business with Ismailis?"
So he replied,"Doing business with them is haraam IF the miney they get is used to spread their religion."

Is that enough???

I have a witness to this.

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