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The International Space Station (ISS) can best be seen from 1st to 4th September just after sunset. The ISS has been become so large that to be seen during the daytime if the conditions are right. In the night skies it is a truly glittering object gracefully gliding across the sky.

On 2nd September it will be seen from 7:34 pm again hugging the horizon but in the direction from South-West, along the north-west horizon reaching a height of about 25 degrees and sets in the North.

On 3rd it will be seen much higher and more brilliant along the south-east horizon at 6:26 (sunset) and will rise to about 45 degrees and will pass close to Jupiter and will be in the skies for about 6 minutes.

On 4th September it will be in the north-west horizon just after 6:45 and will be in the sky for about 4 minutes. These are consecutive opportunities so make the most of it to practice your directions and observation.

For more exact and updated timings and information see the website http//www.heavens-above.com and enter your location (or latitude and longitude).

Courtesy: N. T. Jiwaji
hasin wrote:
On 4th September it will be in the north-west horizon just after 6:45 and will be in the sky for about 4 minutes. These are consecutive opportunities so make the most of it to practice your directions and observation.
Alhamdulilah I spotted it on 4th.

It was just like a slow shooting star.
It was very bright..like Venus. And moving slower than a shooting star, however would seem that it was going at the speed of a passenger plane. It took between 2 to 3 minutes to go from SouthWest to NorthWest and set in the North.

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