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Lessons and thoughts on Traditions

Moderator: Muntazir

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By Muntazir
Imam 'Ali ['a.s] says:

"Restrain your tongue more than anything else."

A Short Introduction:

As for the previous hadith, regarding restraining one's body, Imam ['a.s] adds more explanation to it by mentioning this hadith regarding the tongue, that it needs to be restrained more than anything else, or, more than any part of our body.

One may ask, but why the tongue? Well, we all know well that the tongue, or talking, causes alot of problems in a person's life. Backbiting, Lying, Swearing,... all comes from the tongue and not from any other part of our body.

According to another hadith, which I will try to bring later on, has mentioned that silence is the best worship. Therefore, we should rather try to speak less or atleast think everything we wish to say something, especially when we're angry because this causes alot of damage, not to the other person, but first to ourselves.

Insha'Allah, we should try our best practicing this hadith. I hope my explanations are of use. Please do give feedback.
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By Muntazir
Prior to the Hadith mentioned, Imam as-Saadiq ['a.s] says:

"Good deeds are recorded for a Muslim man as long as he remains quiet. However, once he starts to talk, good or bad deeds are recorded for him."

A Short Introduction:

There was a scholar, tall, goodlooking with a huge turban and a long white beard. When he was around people, he was given alot of respect and people would come from all corners to greet him but when he opened his mouth, it was disaster! He started proving how un-educated and mannerless he was in his talks, without any sense and completely illogical. Wasn't it better when he kept his mouth shut? Atleast he got the respect! But now that people came to know how he is, nobody even bothers.

This story was narrated to me by my teacher, I don't know if it's true or not but what we need to know is that silence is the best act, rather, it's a worship and 'ibaadah, otherwise the Imam ['a.s] wouldn't say that good deeds are recorded for him.

Let's try to have this characteristic and improve ourselves by talking less and keeping quiet for longer hours, insha'Allah.


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