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The Arrivals

Posted: 26 Nov 2009, 05:52
by muslim
Thanks alot for posting/hosting arrivals
I just finished watching it yesterday
it was an amazing experience

Start a forum on the arrivals whose aim would be how to prepare fotr the arrival of the 12th Imam(atfs)
If you can please upload the other productions by noreega
if you can upload similar stuff

We pray for the Hastening of the reappearance of the 12th Imam(atfs) and that we are among his companions and soldiers

Re: The Arrivals

Posted: 26 Nov 2009, 22:34
by abuali
Alaykum salaam

jazakallah for your comments.

Brother Muhammad Mahdi is currently working on short write ups/synopsis of each episode and will welcome any help to do the same.

Feel free to start up any discussions on any topic pertaining to practical preparation of the coming of our Imam(as)