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Ask! is a concept developed by youths in Dar es Salaam. Have your say in shaping the concept of Ask! Do you think its feasible to have an online youth community? How do you think it should be run? What should be discussed? Comments and critisicms also welcome apart from ideas.
Lol, I don't know...I was just guessing coz I did my nursery and primary in Moshi. Maybe you have me confused with someone else?
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By abuali
I agree. Its a good thread for new members to say hi and the ask family to welcome them. So i have gone ahead and made this a global thread so that it appears everywhere :D

Lets have intros of members who have not yet done so
heyy s/a to whoevers reading dis..how u peeps doin? ummm leme introduce myself..my name is Maisamali Mundrawala..im 15 years actually about to be 16 in April on da 22nd..i study at Al Muntazir Islamic Seminary..i love sporttss!! especially soccer! i play a lil table tennis..i dont lyk studying at ol lolz..disturbing is lyk my hobby! i lisen to music..i lyk makin new frenz n interacting wid strangers..i love takin part in competitionss! i support Barcelona n hate man u..ummm dunno wat else to ryt..i guess im a lil l8 to ryt diss..dunno even if any1 will read it..anyways i guess its k.. ;) cyaa!
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By qamar
hey every1

i m qamar (nt sure if i shud reveal my real name)

I tend to have very strng opinions abt stuff.

Ask is really cool. lv reading all the discussions
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By abuali
Maisamali and qamar

Welcome to our small Ask family.

Feel free to take part in the ongoing discussions and start your own discussion as well.

Maisamali there are some interesting discussions about music on Ask. Use the search feature to go through these discussions and participate in the discussions
By Aliabbas Nasser

Just thought of dropping a word too!

My intro is simle and precise, my name is Aliabbas Nasser, and am from Moshi!! I moved Dar around 4 years back to pursue my studies and alhamd have successfully completed my ACCA, Bachelors Degree in Applied Accounting, Dip IFR and am moving on for my MBA and Certified Internal Auditing!

I currently work full time in dar, and my hobbies are be part of various groups and assist them in meeting their objectives, become part of them and ensure to deliver to the best of my capabilities.

I love sports and it certainly is where i spend most of my additional time, apart from that I also currently am part of the Literary section under Ithnaasheri Union what ere we organise various events at the community level, I handle the position of Secretary and Treasury there, alhamd!

It great to be part of the ASK forum where I get to learn alot and at the same time get my questions answered!! May the almighty give us all the tawfiq to continue this amazing threads on this site and also learn from it!!

Brother In Faith

Aliabbas Nasser
By tahadharamsi
Hi there to all the pepo at ask!!!
My name is Osama Bin Laden and i live in a barrel in the sea !!!
My name is taha dharamsi i live in dar es salam,Tanzania am currently studying in Aga Khan Mzizima and have studied PC technican and networking (n+) and am currently the secretary of the debating society also i am a member of IUVC and Shia boy scouts .My hobbies are swimming ,climbing trees,cricket,soccer and hockey.
Just joined ask !!!
By zaidiali
I am Dr. Ali Imran Zaidi from Multan, Pakistan. I am a Urologist. I also work for my community here with Imamia Medics International. I am interested in reading, and photography. I am really impressed by the volume of work done by our brothers and sisters in Tanzania. I would love to remain connected with you.
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By abuali
zaidiali wrote:(salam)
I am Dr. Ali Imran Zaidi from Multan, Pakistan. I am a Urologist. I also work for my community here with Imamia Medics International. I am interested in reading, and photography. I am really impressed by the volume of work done by our brothers and sisters in Tanzania. I would love to remain connected with you.

karibu (welcome).

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