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Re: Global Financial Crisis

 by qarrar ¦  18 Nov 2008, 03:24 ¦  Forum: Latest News & Happenings around the World ¦  Topic: Global Financial Crisis ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 2807

I guess most on the forum are either not affected by the crisis or are busy trying to mitigate their losses. The deep and prolonged recession that has already started will however affect us all.

Re: How to draw the line on asraaf??

 by qarrar ¦  01 Feb 2008, 16:31 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: How to draw the line on asraaf?? ¦  Replies: 13 ¦  Views: 8551

Let us agree to disagree then :)

Re: How to draw the line on asraaf??

 by qarrar ¦  31 Jan 2008, 02:18 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: How to draw the line on asraaf?? ¦  Replies: 13 ¦  Views: 8551

Muhammad Mahdi wrote:However, like I previously stated, I do not agree with
Isn’t that money used to go to hajj better served in charity? Similar thing could be said about ziyarat.
Let’s not confuse ourselves, it’s the second hajj or third hajj we are talking about and not the first.

Re: Do we unknowingly lower the status of Bibi Zaynab (AS)

 by qarrar ¦  31 Jan 2008, 02:07 ¦  Forum: Muharram and the revolution of Kerbala ¦  Topic: Do we unknowingly lower the status of Bibi Zaynab (AS) ¦  Replies: 27 ¦  Views: 10563

Muhammad Mahdi wrote:Islam allows one to express one's views, however, there are boundaries that should not be crossed.
Could you elaborate on these boundaries then? Perhaps we are all not aware of them?

Re: Books

 by qarrar ¦  31 Jan 2008, 01:19 ¦  Forum: General Issues ¦  Topic: Books ¦  Replies: 4 ¦  Views: 3047

I always recommend Nahjul Balagha, the sermons and sayings in it give a very good insight into Islam and Shiaism.

Re: Do we unknowingly lower the status of Bibi Zaynab (AS)

 by qarrar ¦  28 Jan 2008, 02:35 ¦  Forum: Muharram and the revolution of Kerbala ¦  Topic: Do we unknowingly lower the status of Bibi Zaynab (AS) ¦  Replies: 27 ¦  Views: 10563

You are as entitled to your views as the poet is in his when he writes those nauhas. As for the nauhas meaning, you are giving them a plain and very literal translation and interpretation.

Re: How to draw the line on asraaf??

 by qarrar ¦  28 Jan 2008, 02:24 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: How to draw the line on asraaf?? ¦  Replies: 13 ¦  Views: 8551

I totally agree one’s spiritually gets a boost with such trips but should these experiences be limited for the wealthy only. Surely isn’t there more thawab that after performing one Hajj and that person gives another person an opportunity to experience the same feeling?

Re: How to draw the line on asraaf??

 by qarrar ¦  25 Jan 2008, 22:28 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: How to draw the line on asraaf?? ¦  Replies: 13 ¦  Views: 8551

Here is another example of what I think is asraaf. Hajj is prescribed as wajib once in a lifetime but yet we have people who have performed Hajj in the double figures. Isn’t that money used to go to hajj better served in charity? Similar thing could be said about ziyarat.

Re: Red Bull

 by qarrar ¦  23 Jan 2008, 23:14 ¦  Forum: General Issues ¦  Topic: Red Bull ¦  Replies: 7 ¦  Views: 6436

Ok this is what I have found from the Red Bull website itself: Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid which is naturally occurring in the human body. “Conditionally essential” means that in some situations or under certain conditions, as for example in situations of high stress or physical ...

Re: Alams

 by qarrar ¦  23 Jan 2008, 23:03 ¦  Forum: General Religious Issues ¦  Topic: Alams ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 3980

So would you agree that the Alams we find today are a little excessive? I find it strange that it is only the Khojas, Pakistanis, and Indians are the only ones (that I know of) that use the fancy Alams. Once you remove Khojas, Pakistanis, and Indians Shias you are only left with Shias from the Midd...

Re: Red Bull

 by qarrar ¦  23 Jan 2008, 22:45 ¦  Forum: General Issues ¦  Topic: Red Bull ¦  Replies: 7 ¦  Views: 6436

Its Red Bull and Vodka as far as I know (Red Bull is what keeps you alert and vodka provides the intoxication), haven’t tried it though. Going by your analogy, water, juices and other soft drinks are also sold where alcohol is so should we stop drinking these too? We make life unnecessarily complica...

Are we just reviving old discussions? I thought the issue of zanjeer was conclusively dealt with in this very section under thread name ‘zanjeer!’. http://www.ask.or.tz/viewtopic.php?f=45 ... a&start=15

The family of Alberto Gindo (41), a resident of Kiwira township in Mbeya Region, experienced immense shock and surprise after realising that the body of the girl they had buried was not their daughter`s. The family was struck with awe and disbelief a day after the burial when their daughter, Winnie ...

Re: Islam Vs Culture who proposes

 by qarrar ¦  11 Dec 2007, 01:49 ¦  Forum: Marriage ¦  Topic: Islam Vs Culture who proposes ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 3773

All that you have mentioned above is correct (Note I am not verifying your quoted hadiths). The problem in our khoja society is that we are still dearly clinging to our Indian past hence the women seldom proposes. But that could be an unfair statement because I am not aware that this practice is eve...

Separation surgery on a two-year-old Indian girl who was born with four arms and four legs has been successful, doctors say.


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