What is Ask?
Ask stands for Ahlulbayt (as) Society for Knowledge. The online project is aimed to enable youth to Discuss & Debate, Share and Learn
His Administrativeness Hasin has asked me to edit my earlier post.
i have just edited the last part of it.
For those who feel what I say is not true, please tell me so and we can discuss the matter.
This forum is called ASK THE SCOLAR.
According to the dictionary a scholar is a learned person .
How many of you who are answering the questions scholars??
If you give a wrong reply, you will get the sins for misleading a person.
So,leave the answering to some real scolars.
Mhhhh... I find it very grammatically incorrect. how about some editions?
Hahah Funny
hahaha :) :)
manji2005 dont just waste e-space by some smiley
Referring to the Earlier question
Tawdhiul masael of Ahga Seestani says that for those who do not do the major muslim beliefs like praying and fasting (not done by ISMAILIS) are kafirs.
1. The man MUST preserve his identitiy. He should explain to the friend the situation. 2. In reincarnation, yes MOST beleive so. Thus we MUST take them as a whole. This makes their food haraam. 3. Yes they do curse. This makes their food haraam too. You ask for proof thn i will give an email addrs o...
In the Friday khutbah Sheikh said that if you are given a glass of water by a person, You can drink it. but if the water has poison in it the effect will be there but the water will be halal for consumpton by you if you do not know it is poison. The same way eating of ISMAILIS BOHORAS CHRISTIANS AND...
Salaams On this day let us all congartulate our Imam (atfs) on the birth of his father (as) NAME AND PARENTAGE His name is al-Hasan, Abu Muhammad. Being a resident of 'Asgar a suburb of Samarra', he is titled al-Asgari. His father was Imam 'Ali An-Naqi (A.S.) and his mother was Salil Khatun, an idea...
for more information on " Islam and science" visit
Very funny
The whole world will go to prison
Excerpts from Lincoln's letter to his son's teacher He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every selfish Politician, there is a dedicated leader... Teach him for every enemy there is a fri...
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